ForumsWEPRThe Fall of the Soviet Union

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20 posts

Midnight December 31, 1991 - The Flag of the Soviet Union came down for the last time, showing the end of the Soviet Union, the end of the Communist dream...

This Thread Was Made for the dissgussion of how the Soviet Union would have prevented this collapes. It could also be about why it fell- as long as it is related.

This Isn't Ment To Be In The Communist Thread, This Is A Whole Nother Conversation

  • 12 Replies
848 posts

This will probably turn into "Wiki-quote" conversation.
Communist countries broke because of poor economical state, rise of nationalism or combination of the two.

170 posts

Um well they couldnt have pissed off the US then they wouldnt have had to produce so many nukes and hydrogen bombs but they did create the best bomb in the world it was called the tsar bomb it was detonated in that curvy island in russia and broke windows in swedan it was epic.

5,579 posts

Um well they couldnt have pissed off the US then they wouldnt have had to produce so many nukes and hydrogen bombs but they did create the best bomb in the world it was called the tsar bomb it was detonated in that curvy island in russia and broke windows in swedan it was epic.

It was far from the worlds best bomb. It was easily the worst. Power = good.

Expensive, impractical and just plain stupid.

Now for the thread: I would prefer they had collapsed. I think the Cold War had gone on long enough.
20 posts

Now for the thread: I would prefer they had collapsed. I think the Cold War had gone on long enough.

The Cold War had little to do with the departure of the nation. The Cold War ending around..1985- The Soviet Union fell in late 1991- Early 1992. It fell for other reasons.
170 posts

Acuttally it wasnt stupid if you called that bomb stupid then you are calling nukes stupid and there not also it was practical in the sense if you fired it at new york city then it would kill people in D.C which would be good for the soviet union and depends on how you look at it from your veiw point the bomb is bad but since i love bombs and nukes it was awesome.

5,579 posts

Acuttally it wasnt stupid if you called that bomb stupid then you are calling nukes stupid and there not also it was practical in the sense if you fired it at new york city then it would kill people in D.C which would be good for the soviet union and depends on how you look at it from your veiw point the bomb is bad but since i love bombs and nukes it was awesome.

Um, no, you didn't understand.

That bomb was so big that they couldn't fit it into the bomb bay of the USSR's biggest bomber. It took a parachute to stop it from vaporizing the crew of the drop plane.

That coupled with the fact it costed hundreds of millions of dollars to build and develop, and its' full size can set fire to the atmosphere, is what makes it a pathetic stunt.

It was a stunt, nothing more. Not an actual weapon.
3,880 posts

Acuttally it wasnt stupid if you called that bomb stupid then you are calling nukes stupid and there not also it was practical in the sense if you fired it at new york city then it would kill people in D.C which would be good for the soviet union and depends on how you look at it from your veiw point the bomb is bad but since i love bombs and nukes it was awesome.

learn to use fucking periods.
1,416 posts

The USSR fell for many reasons

1. They spent much of their time and money developing their military, while leaving the people poor and destitute. Brezhnev, for instance, made sure the standard of living did not increase. That would have cost too much money. Most funding went to the military, building WMD's, and space exploration.

2. The never-ending war in Afghanistan was making the people agitated.

3. The rise of Nationalism in Eastern Europe led to many republics breaking away. When you lose territory and do nothing about it, it shows weakness. The people took advantage of this.

4. Gorbachev's reforms were too few and too late. Even as Gorbachev promised openness and free speech, he made sure that protests were stopped. For instance, in Lithuania in 1991, a democstration was broken up where over a dozen were killed, and hundreds injured. He also made sure to keep many things secret. Like when the accident at Chernobyl happened, Gorbachev tried to keep it secret and did a good job doing so.

There are many other reasons. But I'm tired.

3,224 posts

I'd say the main reason was because they went to war, economically, with the US.

358 posts

The cold war was a waste of time in my opinion. The Soviet Union, besides economical suffering that they induced on themselves and the USA partly invoked on them, is because they spent so much on military development, and remember. The Soviet Union, after world war 2, like the rest of europe, was hti hard by the Nazi Riechs armies, which made their industry sluggish compared to the USA which the only part of it was bombed was Pearl Harbour.

After that though, both of the powers spent huge amounts on &quotroxy" wars, or political wars that they were trying to gain infleunce in certain area's. China was also part of this waste of resources, but they were more withdrawed and had their own problems. All these 3 states kept having political surges behind the scenes. Now this is jsut my opinion, but I think alot of murders of Presidents in the USA, notably JFK was not the doing of the soviets or anyone else, rather political dissindents within the US that didnt agree with JFK's policies. The Soviets however, had a more sinister problem. During the 60's, they had two political rivarlies, the Kruschev faction, and the Brezhnev faction. Both these groups had their own secret war, and they vied for control. One obviously supported Kruschev, and the other support Brezhnev and Kosygin. After this huge rivarly, the Brezhnevs went int oa state of war in the middle east, continuing to deplete their money, as well as keeping up with matters of industry, war, Proxy insurgencies, and the nuclear arms and space exploration race, its no wonder why any of these powers could've sustained all of that. Im suprised USA didn't go bankrupt after all these programs as well, considering how much money also was lsot during the lengthy Veitname war. Whatever the case, I honestly am glad that the Soviet Union fell, it really was a shadow and a utter lie, which had failed in the Marxist dream after Lenin died and Trotsky was evicted.

3,675 posts

This Isn't Ment To Be In The Communist Thread, This Is A Whole Nother Conversation

Really? Thanks for telling me where this belongs. Because I had no idea where it should go. Thanks!

Or that is what I would of said if I was a brainless fool who did not care. That said, I disagree with your statement. Saying how it could of been prevent/why it did and should of are directly based to Communism/Socialism. Because, no matter what you say, you can not have the discussion without it.
2,770 posts

I once hired a prostitute, and stuck it in the wrong hole. 9 months later communism was born.

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