
31 5073
5,642 posts

My last thread here, "A question", was badly put together and I didn't get my point across.

Keep in mind that I think with a question, there should be a discussion as well. So let's dig in.

First off, this is a hypothetical.

If, hypothetically, there is absolutely no life after this one, would that put emphasis on making you want to keep your life, or give it away?

Why would we give away life if it's one in a kind and there's nothing that can go after it? Well, life can be terrible. I'm sure everyone has known that, and sometimes it's not always temporary. So, when life is not good for you, and there is nothing afterwards, why stay?

What I'm saying is, through an atheistic view, should you cherish life, or despise it?

  • 31 Replies
1,098 posts

goumas is right,though the bad things may seem forever,its my 6th year of being nagged for not bringing hw,depressing,butits surely over by the end of this year,at least for 3 months

5,642 posts


IF we're going to randomly say things. I will too.
Cherish. Plain and simple.

I see nothing to back this up. Tell us why.
Although through an atheistic view after death there is nothingness so life will have had no purpose, and the experiences become pointless without the ability to reflect on them...

How narcissistic...

How is this narcissistic again? IF you're going to randomly spout off words, I will too.
The blue Marlin jumped over Luna while a Bulvine hunted ivory from an African elephant.
If everyone gave up when the going got tough, where would humanity be today?

Probably without religion, which I would call a win, but it'd cause much more suicides across my (and probably your) country.


you dont have to cherish your life if you dont want to,but you can cherish the computer...

I've said it a million times in my internet life, I'll say it again.

last,you're 14,nothing comes around this years,

*calm rage*
This isn't about me. This is a discussion.

MageGrayWolf seems to be understanding what I'm saying.

I'm also asking, if there is no reason to exist for you, and nothing is beyond it, no reward or punishment I mean, why would you continue with life?
358 posts

I personally think Life has a purpose. But there is also a side of me which rejects this bleif, considering HEY THIS IS A GIANT SANDBOX OF OPPURTUNITY LETS TRY OUT SOMETHING.

One thing I have kept close to me though is that, when I eventually do die, I don't want to have any regrets of NOT doing something, rather then actually doing something.
For say, if I tried something out, but then I was a utter failure and humilated myself in it, well at least I tried it, and I may regret that I did, but it would be worse that if I didnt do it.

Now for the posters qeustion[quote]if there is no reason to exist for you, and nothing is beyond it, no reward or punishment I mean, why would you continue with life?

Thats simple really. Life in itself is the reward for me. to Breathe, to eat, to drink, to have sex have fun and try new things, that is why I keep living. To enjoy it as a sandbox experience, a testing ground for new experiences and diffrent things to learn and enjoy. That is life for me,
And really, if we had no purpose ( in which we could have none other then being a accident) Well... enjoy the fact we, us humans, managed to survive this long, and be prosperous. Its not everyday, that a species, let alone a living breathing creature that is just as hairy or as smell as every other thing, has gone so far. When you look at it, thanks to our dear planets harsh enviroments, we have come out to be survivalists and on top. Yes, there may be perhaps smarter beings out there, who are probably looking at my rant and saying, " UTTER FAILURE" and pointing a finger and laughing quite uncontrallably. But thats my answer, and I hope your eyes arent too strained from reading so much.

739 posts

Every day should be lived like it is your last. Even if you do not believe in an afterlife, you should still cherish the life that was given to you. You were placed on this Earth for something. Why waste it being depressed?

4,097 posts

Probably without religion, which I would call a win, but it'd cause much more suicides across my (and probably your) country.

Increased suicide would not rid the world of religion. Religion would most likely be even more so deep rooted in society, as people who oppose religion wouldn't stick around to debate their side. Churches would threaten to kill them (in the old days) or the media may be against them (now days) and they'd just give up. The religious people wouldn't kill themselves when religion is questioned, because they believe that they have a purpose, etc.

But really, I don't see a strong correlation between increased suicide of atheist and the number of religious people.
1,573 posts

Whats the point!
The point is there is no point so there is no point in NOT doing it

5,642 posts

this is a pretty dumb thread

and that's a pretty piss-poor comment.

If you have no evidence to back up your statement, then you shouldn't even speak it.
1,098 posts

well,toad,i agree with pau(thats a nice chinese food!!!)11wa11,and it comes with evidence,its your personal probs toad,if you have not even shared it with your mommy,why share it with us?share it with some helpline service first!

we are not counsellors,and another note here,i think you are kinda dumb,i mean,come on! you have been here longer than me!and you're the top 80 user around!i know the ag world events,politics,religion,etc. section better than you!ha ha!,thats a great achievment for me

and what evidence do you have that pau's post is pretty piss-poor,even at the lowest standards,i think its just stupid,cos its commenting on how he finds the thread,and its not piss-poor

now,mods,can i get a merit?

*i did not side with pau because of his username!

589 posts

I would rather live this life, even in hardship knowing that I exist in some form or other definitively, than let myself go to the blackness were who knows what happens?

5,642 posts

well,toad,i agree with pau(thats a nice chinese food!!!)11wa11,and it comes with evidence,its your personal probs toad,if you have not even shared it with your mommy,why share it with us?share it with some helpline service first!
Now this is just starting to make me mad. If you cannot even get the point of this thread, which has literally NOTHING, NOTHING to do with me. It's pathetic that you have the nerve to insult me of being in here, when I'm trying to give you all an opinion.

This has literally NOTHING to do with me, so if you can get your close minded brain away from that thought, maybe you can actually have an intelligent discussion.

And if you really must know, I have gone over my concept of life with my family and there is a reason why I haven't killed myself yet. But really, is that any of your concern? I might as well be asking you about your sex life.

Now then. Don't spam up this thread with bad comments. It pleased me more to have seen the piss-poor quality of "This is a pretty dumb thread". Than to see a kid with a keyboard dribble all over himself, thinking that he proved a point when all he did was take a thread to a grinding halt.
9,821 posts

Life? It's worth living. I've bided(bode? I hate verb tenses >.&lt my time through years of depression before; it is worth it to wait out the storm. Assuming there is no afterlife, and life does have happy parts to it, the only time it's possible to be happy is during life. Therefore, committing suicide cuts you off from any possibility of happiness.
I'd say cherishing life through its good parts is worth it, because the good parts of life are literally unique assuming there is no afterlife.

1,098 posts

i did not insult you,i just said that pau's post was not so bad,and ok,im wrong there,so let me be clear,if you gotta prob,you seek help and not jump off a building,cos yuo will have to piece up that prob,and to me,to commit suicide so as to run away from your troubles is just total cowardice(i never said you were a coward)

and about the picture,does that mean the failing is strong,or you need triple facepalm?i dont get it...seriousl

1,098 posts

and if you want to find out about no afterlife,this summer,sleep and do nothing at all,a perfect way to experiment!!!

5,642 posts

and about the picture,does that mean the failing is strong,or you need triple facepalm?i dont get it...seriousl

You just failed that hard, as I've told you that I haven't been b***hing about suicide in this thread about...
3 times, I think.
i did not insult you,

Well you were being rather offensive.
i just said that pau's post was not so bad,

Oh, but it is. It's borderline spam. (well actually, looking back on that, our entire conversation would be spam, as well as the comment)
if you gotta prob,you seek help and not jump off a building,cos yuo will have to piece up that prob,

That, again, isn't what this thread is about.
1,098 posts

[quote]i did not insult you,

Well you were being rather offensive. [/quote]

well,i found you rather offensive...

if you gotta prob,you seek help and not jump off a building,cos you will have to piece up that prob,

[quote]That, again, isn't what this thread is about.

let me rephrase,you despise life most likely cos you got a prob,nothing to do with you not having probs

[quote]i just said that pau's post was not so bad,

Oh, but it is. It's borderline spam. (well actually, looking back on that, our entire conversation would be spam, as well as the comment) [/quote]
and im willing to say sorry,unlike you,so sorry about the spam in your thread that i done,

and about the picture,does that mean the failing is strong,or you need triple facepalm?i dont get it...serious!

You just failed that hard, as I've told you that I haven't been b***hing about suicide in this thread about...
3 times, I think.

is it me or that you cant get a joke?oh yeah,i forgot...sorry
as pau said it was dumb,i think its depressing too

if you're still feeling down then im really sorry for whatever offensive i said,i hope that makes you happy/content/whatever positive!

I think i need multi facepalm...
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