Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
Well milkcarton--- how about you muster up some guts and tell her you like her as well. It might end up in some good things.... You have nothing to lose as you already know she likes you as well!!
Bjiscuit-- we'll I am fortunate to only be one state away from my bf. I dunno how hard it is for you, but one thing that we did was get web cams. It made the distance seem not so far when we could see each others faces over the web!
Well, it used to be a thread that people just asked question about girls (and their problems with them). Now its become a discussion about love and dating (with random spam here and there).
Ok i got this one girl who like me right and i like her but she don't want to get together cause she afraid im play her. and this other girl like me and i also like her she wanna go out but i know she just want some of the chocolaty goodness but she wanna date me but they best friends and i don't wanna hurt the other if i decide between them they both want me..... i could play them both and go out with both of them and get away with it but ima be cool and only go out with one what should a nigga do????
Shyla and Trayz, it's good to see some people helping out a fellow human being on this site. Most of us dudes on the site are just players and spammers.
plus i like them both but on the other hand i just wanna go out with one without hurting the other???
chooses: Play them both Go out with the girl thats afraid ima play her Go out with the girl that wants to go out with me for my chocolaty goodness, but cant find the time to come and see me.
chooses: Play them both Go out with the girl thats afraid ima play her Go out with the girl that wants to go out with me for my chocolaty goodness, but cant find the time to come and see me.
cross off playing them --.-- or you'll neve rhave a chance with getting a nice girl who actually loves you.