Ask away in here. Before you all go accusing me of being some loser, just don't. I know I'm not the girl master, but I do know a lot about them, why they do certain things that they do, so on and so forth. So don't be shy =D
Thnk you do you have any lovelady problems??? if you do just post your problem and me, tray, bjiscut, and shyla will try our best to give you the best advice we can for you delema.
hey Trayz I have kinda a strange question for you..... you said that you and your boyfriend started dating at 16, how old were you when you knew that he was your true love..... and how did you know he was the one??
Gosh... that makes me think back a bit! I remember after like 3 months he said "I love you"... and I was like "no way... we barely know each other, but we like each other a lot!" Then... lets say between 1 year and 1.5 years we truly meant it when we said "I love you." I remember seeing Meet the Fockers with him when I really know I was in love. But it wasn't until my senior year in high school--about 2/2.5 years into the relationship that it was quite apparent that we were meant to be. Even as the years have gone by, and with more shared experiences our love has deepened. It's truly a growing process. Ok...well I'm normally not a very mushy person, so that's enough of my love tale for now.
If you dump by text, you'll be considered by the girls and a piece of trash with not enough guts to face a girl... With that being said, talk to her face-to-face.
I'm 100% with snakebite. Dumping someone by text would not be classy and is definitely rude. Even if you had a terrible falling out, be the bigger person and nicely tell her face-to-face.
I hope that picture refers to yourself making a mistake as opposed to this thread. Bjiscuit, Hoodie, Shyla and I adopted if from your cuz and it's turned out quite nicely!
I hope that picture refers to yourself making a mistake as opposed to this thread. Bjiscuit, Hoodie, Shyla and I adopted if from your cuz and it's turned out quite nicely!
Ok dude i've dumped a lot of girls and i've never have i once ever dumped one by TEXT, E-MAIL, POST IT NOTE, LETTER, OR SKY MESSAGING.....So do it face 2 face you might get slapped, but it's telling other girls that you got some pebbles in ya pants(emphasis on pebbles) lol