I heard some sorrow about there be no other game like Feud.So her is one... www.kongregate.com/games/DJStatika/warlords-call-to-arms/?gamereferral=warlordsJust copy and paste it to address bar..
Hey, I just played it. It's an awesome game!
Hey Marank, I think you've just lied because the link doesn't even work lol. Also, what do you mean by Fued. Do you mean that show Family Fued?
Are you lying Marank? The link doesn't work just as nick said.
sorry guys here other one..http://www.freeworldgroup.com/games6/gameindex/warlordscalltoarms.htmAnd no not Family fued Fuedalism!
link still doesn't work.
Haha, wow I was confused and misunderstood. Here let me help you.Fuedalism
its not like feudilism. or at least not to me. u dont even get a hero like u do in feudilism.
*Hisssss* bad dragon!
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