This game is extremely easy if you understand how to cut through things. the game isnt all about what bomb you use. I beat the game using only single explosives. (except for the all steel level, had to use the other bomb for that one) what happens is that there are large buildings; they are meant to weigh a lot so you cant forcefully rip them apart. I use this weight to my advantage. if it has a few support beams that have a horizontal on top, thats perfect. __ || blow up the middle of the horizontal beam on the top of the two(+) of the others. if you have sort of a 'chair' formation, it pushes down, but that one beam isnt balanced due to your explosive cutting it in half, making it tumble down with little explosives. I did the last level of the alien one with just 3 small explosives. :P pm me if you dont understand and want clarifications.
Another way to cut through things is have it collapse to one, or both sides. take the chinese levels for example, they are weak standing towers but allow u to use alot of explosives. if there isnt something in the middle, but it down to size. if it is too big cut each big block in half, it should help. if there is something in the middle, cut through the middle but put 5x dynomite, lots of it, in the middle too. if you get enough in the right places (all over :P) and cut the castle into little bits with tiny explsives (all except the blocks u use 5x dynomite on, u can cut them in half, but be careful, little flying bits can break things.) you should see it explode into a lot of peices and go everywhere :P and andy, i dont know whats wrong with u lol :P sorry
I passed Demolition City 1 and 2 by just doing what the movies did basically like blow up on support on one side and it'll fall that way.
Out of all the level in #2 there was only 1 level that got me frustrated over and over and over again so I got all 30 or the 1 stick dynamites and blew everything into tiny tiny pieces.
keedz, thats what i reccomend if a building cant go under the hieght limit. and remember, that if u blowit up with dynomite in the same spot, it can change! trust me, if u out 5 dynomite in the middle and blow it up, and it doesnt work, retry it a few times, it might!