ForumsWEPRMoney- Creation or downfall?

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Now, just to clear this up, Im hoping that people who submit on this topic keep it generally light hearted and not into any great arguments. It strains our eyes to red arguments.

Money. The simplest of systems, and originally, it was created for a payment for services. Yes it has been effective... but it was used to cover for the barter system.

Now the barter system as you know, is trading items for items, is equil, and fair. (not including the fact that you could steal.... any system has that flaw -_-)

But, who invented this system? but then I came to a conclusion. It was the rich people. People who managed to hoard much resources from the rest of us people. And they didnt want to give away items for payment for services, so they made this money.

But, just so that the working clas wouldnt save up enough to get enough resources, they made taxes, to control us.

I always found this really, really unfair, and this is not a thing for communuism or captilism, Both of these systems could work without money, just it would make the two more fair in my eyes. Now you may have a diffrent perspective, and dont get me wrong, I may be wrong in my ways. But This topic is simply what you think of it, and express yourself here about this topic.

  • 18 Replies
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Im not saying that Money is entirely bad. But do you see my point?

Im not saying it was originalyl created for that purpose. And yes it has progressed human society further and in a greater technological pace. However... It's purpose has been corrupted now, and people who wish to control our economy by depressing our standards for the rest of the population, may not even have a chance to even participate in economics. Money is good, as long as it is not corrupted. But it often is. Barter can be controlled, but... the thing is... its alto harder, and who said we need to heavily tax everyone? I realize for many nations, that they must tax to repay transactions, fee's, and numerous other problems. But really, if the goverments would give their people a break, and if America can, at least for a short bit, Mabye we can all pay off this huge debt were in. But all we need is basically a "loan" of time. Just mabye we can try and get rid of it.

This wouldnt have happened as much though if the barter system was still in place. And all of you who are saying using rice as a currency, THAT IS NOT BARTER. THAT IS JUST MONEY IN A DIFFRENT FORM.

Not that I have cleared that up, Barter is when you trade a item, for another item. Such as I give you a table, you give me a chair. That is barter. It is trading goods for another equil amount of goods, and yes the system is corruptible, but it is much more hard to do so then a money system.

And money is a way to pay for services, in which richer people, who may nto want to give all their resources away, use money instead. I just want to see money to be actualyl used properly, and not be defiled by this heathen type of greed it is subsided to today. Money in writing, is supposed to be a accurate measurement of goods, but yet many people who( im not trying to brand all rich people as defiling bastards, many have earned their place to the top) But many people who have got to these positions in corrupt ways, manage to leak through and seethe through the system, to mess around with it and control it.

And by the way, all of you who have said using rice/rocks ect, as a currency, that isnt barter, so either actualyl get on topic, read what its about, or seroisly dont even speak in this thread.

1,751 posts

taxes excisted before money.

358 posts

I realize that. We often taxed on what we had of a surplus, so it wasnt as damaging to most people ( unless your extremely poor) Like i would give the goverment, say 10 fish, or a 100 fish. Depends how highi n society I am.

For me, I would probably pay like 50 fish, mabye more. But thats what you pay, since I work on a trawler, and I keep around 15% of all its fish, so yeah. That way we pay resources we have in abundance, unless they give us demands, like a status qouta. In which we could do, because we are forwarned.

But ussually, that form of taxes works very well, considering we can pay stuff we have extra of. Because, I know everyone is not hurting right now, but the majority of people, are in a painstaking condition due to this recession. Something to think about. Money is good, it just really really needs to be either retaught or totally revised so we dont let it have its purpose corrupted.

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