Hello everyone! I wrote a column for my school newspaper on atheism, mind giving me any opinions? Like, if I have an inaccurate statistic or if there's some additional information I should add.
Atheism, it's the disbelief in god. Many people, African, European, Indonesian, Canadian- you name it- beleive in god. Different versions of god and creators have floated around for hundreds of years. However, besides atheism, I'll be addressing fundamentalist Christianity, as it is the branch of Christianity I am most familiar with. First of all, let me tell you a little about atheism, and what I beleive it should stand for. I beleive atheism should stand for an open minded individual that, depending on how much evidence it takes for the individual to beleive, looks for the reason of life, where it came from and why it's there. The Atheist should also, obviously, not beleive in god. Should the atheist beleive in god at one point, they would not be an atheist. Atheists, unless they are either close minded or simply uncaring, should always listen to new or different religions. That, is what a true atheist should be like. The Washington Post says that 92% of America beleives in some sort of Deity, or "God". However, I don't think this isn't an entirely true statement. Though it has the possibility to be true, I don't think that it's completely true. Why? Well, children, as I was (at a point in time), are scared into believing in a god. From your parents telling you you'll burn in a eternal fire, where a big horned red-scorched hooved man pokes you in the back of the head with a pitchfork, to just telling you over and over that god is real, to even forcing it upon children, parents have been scaring their children to beleive in a god. Oh, but that isn't exactly bad. Religion does teach morals and values, it's just that a child should be able to choose what they beleive in. Especially if their life is dependent upon religion. If someone is unable to choose what they think, in the "land of the free", we must be doing something wrong. Now I'm sure you'd be able to argue, "We can still choose!", right? Not really, because the atheistic way is commonly shunned, or scorned upon. As such, a child, or even an adult, would be slightly afraid to speak what they beleive. I've heard stories where, when a child told his mother he was an atheist, he was either hated by his/her mother, or her/his mother felt like they hadn't raised their child right, or that they were a terrible parent. Then there's the one or two stories I hear where the mom/dad either didn't care, or was okay with it. Other times atheists are shunned upon simply because they disagree with others, and are different. As we all know, humans fear, or just hate, change and difference. Which is another reason why atheistic children are afraid to speak their mind. But oh, atheism isn't as great as I try to make it sound. It's actually somewhat of a depressing thought if you really think about it. Atheists generally beleive that there is no afterlife, because there is no god. Because of this, it can either make someone think more highly of life, or it can make them think life is the most terrible thing in the world. Why? Without a reward after this cruel, unforgiving and cold life, you know that there's nothing there. So naturally, there is no point to endure a cruel existence as a human being. This may be a reason why so many people turn to religion when dissapointed, confused, hurt, or in grief. Like all things in this world, atheism has it's ups and downs. It can be both great, and it can be destroying to someone's mental stamina and health. However, it can also keep someone happy in the knowledge that the life they have now is the last, and as such it motivates them to make it a good one. It also allows people to be free from constraints and laws that they see unfit, but it might be taboo for their friends and/or family.
I lived a life that was immoral and which reflected a lack of belief in God.
My bs meter is beginning to blip but I will read on.
I guess the reason that I was an atheist is the same reason that many of you are believers in God if you are. That was because I had been indoctrinated in that particular persuasion.
"This is not a question that a scientist tries to answer. This is a question for the philosopher or theologian, but this is not something that falls into the realm of science."
So after going over a number of theories our Mr.Clayton asks what theory is most accepted he get's this from the teacher? bs, If this is true then the teacher shouldn't be teaching.
I asked this professor what the process was by which the original life--the original living cells upon the earth--came into existence. How did the structure or generation of DNA occur? Once again, this man said, "Young man, that is not a question that falls within the realm of science."
Again I my bs meter goes off. and the very next sentence.
In today's world we understand more about biochemical processes, but we cannot answer how in the environment of the primitive earth these processes came into operation.
Wrong, the theory dealing with this answer is called abiogenesis and we have shown using even more primitive compounds then what is beleives to have existed during that time on earth that simple RNA stands that can later lead to DNA can form.
As I considered and thought about these things, I found that I could not find a contradiction
Couldn't find contradiction between science and the bible. LOL
Yes I do read the bible.
What a tragedy it is that so many today have invested enormous amounts of money in edifices and buildings, while other human beings have gone hungry nearby.
Talking about church building. I can actually agree with the guy here.
I'm going to stop quoting here. This guy is so full of bs I wouldn't be surprised if his eyes were brown and he had it coming out his ears.
The religion has come to a limit that you have a flying pasta religion, funny world.
Are you discussing Pastafarianism, and Spagnosticism? It was created after Kansas Board of Education proposed that God be taught in science lessons. The person that created the FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) was to demonstrate, there is a possibility that God created the Universe, but until it is justified, intelligent design acting as a supreme ruler could be a flying mess of spaghetti and meatballs.