In the 1st level, place two thugs as shown on this picture:
In the 2nd level, dont do anything! In the 3rd level, place a tnt as shown on the picture:
In the 4th level, place a machine thug, promote him, and the first thug you placed, as on the picture:
In the 5th, 6th & 7th level, dont do anything! In the 8th level, place one mahcine thug in front of the other, place one bomber thug in the middle building and promote him, and then, promote the thug that is standing down the right corner, as on the picture:
In the 9th level, simply just promote the machine thug, that is on the building to the left, as on the picture:
In the 10th level, dont do anything! In the 11th level, promote the thug that is standing on the bottom right building, and then explode some tnts, as on the picture:
In the 12th level, promote the one machine thug at the building to the left, once again!
In the last level, promote the two thugs at the bottom right building, and then explode one tnt!