So i made it to around level 30 using this strategy, i know it may not be a very high level but it quickly got the best guns in the game.
1. Start with the Mp5 and immediately start saving for the P90 (do not spend money on scopes or another gun, if possible do not heal your base, you should have it in about 3 levels)
2. Do the same thing using the P90 to immediately get the G36C (4 or 5 levels to get it, heal 1 or 2 levels, do not buy scopes)
3. Considering the G36C is a very good gun, when you can buy the scope for it (it will be a while before you get anything new) and grind your way to get the RPG (heal every level, just to be safe and do not get the SAW yet)
4. When you get the RPG grind your way again to get money for the SAW (amazing gun kills regular infantry in 1 shot)
5. As soon as possible by the scope for the SAW, due to its inaccuracy
6. Go through levels getting money to buy whatever you want, try to get the scope for the RPG due to the fact that every shot counts with it
Strategy: Always aim when using guns, if you do not then it will quickly become inaccurate and almost useless When using the RPG go for tanks, specifically for tanks in groups try to clear out infantry before taking time to destroy helicopters and tanks with a gun, a large group of them can do more damage to you than tanks can
Good guide but I found getting the G36 first a bit better. After 3 levels, my base had not taken much damage and I was at $1800 so I just did the next level for the G36.
I really don't see the point of going for the RPG. It doesn't do that much damage and takes years to reload. Just go straight from the G36 to the Saw.
The RPG is pretty much needed once you get to level 25+ because you'll see like 4-6 tanks per level. The SAW takes a long time to kill a tank. The RPG can kill 3+ tanks at once. The SAW is your main gun, the RPG is just tank/mob killer.
I found that when I play, even with aim on, guns still lost accuracy quickly. To combat this, I think firing in short bursts is the most effective way to go.
I found that when I play, even with aim on, guns still lost accuracy quickly. To combat this, I think firing in short bursts is the most effective way to go.
You're correct, when I play, I shoot at a 3-round burst type technique. It's not always 3 rounds per shot but I try to keep the amount of bullets shooting to a low amount. You want to shoot at short bursts because then the kickback of the gun doesn't kill the accuracy.