Okay I won't write the entire 3 1/2 page essay I turned into my History teacher on the current world's problems.
I would like to start this with this statement.
(((((#1. There are enough nukes in the world to kill all of humanity 10 1/2 times over!!!!! It's been tested and simulated many different times.)))))
#2. The world has been corrupted by religion. You want proof then look at the wars near Islam or whatever and wherevere they are over there, look at modern day gangs in the US 1/3 of them are religious gangs, and in some ways you can fit in the example Hitler has played in WWII (World War 2) he killed millions of jews just because he blamed everything on them for stupid reasons.
#3. "Exactly How Far Can You Go For The Saying That Your Helping Others?" This topic is about the good old USA (the most F***ed up country in the world) and helping out those poor poor poverty stricken foreign countries in the world. Well you wanna know something as you waste countless 10s of millions to 100s of millions of dollars on those doomed places you leave your home country the US in ruins WHAT THE F*** YOU DAMNED US GOVERNMENT IDIOTS!!!!! We're gonna become that poverty stricken country if you don't stop.
#4. Rasism makes up 54% of modern day insults. Well well well guess what I have to say to that. ONLY THE ASIANS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO LIVE BECAUSE THEIR THE ONLY ONES WORKING THEIR BUTTS OFF. China distributes 81.3% of the world's products (all in misalanious things from the least important to the most important). Japan distributes 3.1% of the world's products (in entertainment) for example anime, manga, and videogames. Tiawan distributes 3% of the world's products (in clothes). The United States Of America distributes 3.2% of the world's products in (useless junk). And the rest is well whatever country. So in short China, Japan, and Tiawan are all "Asian" countries and Americans have the nerve to go around and dis Asians everyday. WHAT THE H*** is with that S*** you Americans are the ones who should get off your FREAKIN A**es and start working. Asians break their backs everyday for you just to get by and you filfy stinckin Americans sit on the couch all day and eat junk food no wonder why the US is the most OBESE country in the world. An example of rasism are blacks Americans all hated them back then and half of them still do.
#5. Sex is a craving. It is a physical emotion that has dramatically evolved over the centuries. Studies have proven that 47.2% of people marry just for the other ones money. 11.3% actually say they both only love eachother for who they are and not for the money. And the other 41.5% say they're only in it for the sex.
#6. War is a natural emotion/action/craving to any human. As the centuries went on people had to expand to survive but others were already in that needed "expanding area" who opposed the request to share more land. So thus war started onver the centuries it has evolved from sticks and stones to spears,bows, and swords to calvary with spears, bows, swords, and ships to guns, explosives, air planes, ships, and biological warfare to what the current modern day world has. As you can put together in what I have just said the need to expand led to war and war led to improvements to gain an upper hand in battle which in turn forced mankind to make even bigger greater and more destructive weapons. And thus came the world's most destructive weapon mankind has made so far in history the "Nuclear Warhead". One nuclear warhead is capable of turning half of the state of California into nothing but dust, ash, and rubble left not only that but within that area of the entire detonation everything would be a radio active wasteland so radio active that you'd die in a matter of hours to days. That radio active radiation would stay there for 50 to 100 years atleast and not only that but any wind that travels through that area would blow that radiation with it. (((SIDE NOTE: HEy if there are any terrists out there why not take a nuke and carefully calculate it to blow up inside of Hurricane Catrina then where ever Hurricane Catrina goes it would spread radio active radiation with it. It'd be an even more hurt to the US then blowing up buildings.))) Another (((SIDE NOTE: Mankind's greatest weapon is himself.))) This part of "war" also leads to the creation of terrorism.
Wow if this was all on a game I'd commit suicide if i dodn't get a merit for this but that is if it were on a game.
HOLLY CRAP thats alot to write. My essay was 3 1/2 pages long. The original one was 6 1/5 pages long though teach said it was way too long and wouldn't accept it.
So The End.
And Damn The Human Race To Hell
P.S. Sorry for all the language please don't ban me for it please I beg of you. D: