We have to respect the right of the individuals and the groups, though the individual has less power to protect himself, so the rights of the individual are slightly more important.
I think collective rights are more important, simply because it's more of a bigger picture look. Of course, a scoeity that goes one way or the other probably would not prosper as well as one that balances, so in the end, they're both important.
Balancing act. As a whole, the majority of the rights should be given collectivley, but for each individual they need to be defended and safeguarded as much as the entire crowd, otherwise we would be living in anarchy -- But without a STRONGER collective balance each person would be able to put their face in another seeing as there is no law to govern them both -- let alone the entire state. So the importance of both is there, but collective rights -- to my personal opinion -- are much more necessary
Individuality is becoming less and less apparent as society becomes larger.
We are all becoming part of groups, we all want to be the same, just like everyone else. Popular, sane, boring, same.
Individuality needs to take a comeback. They are just as important as each other but Collectivism is currently crushing Individuality and we should all partake on ourselves to be as different as possible and not make society control us.
I think individual rights are more important, that's the only way to make a good society. My right to swing my arm stops where your nose begins. People should be allowed to do as they please, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
I believe in positive freedom. The government should do what it is feasibly able to do, to help realise equality of opportunity. Otherwise, it can stay the hell out of my freedom with terrorist acts, 42 day detention without charge, ID cards, etc.