ForumsSupport Forum[necro] Don't like ads? Don't click here!

385 137167
2,770 posts

You are stupid.

Some of you stupid people do not understand how much money it costs to keep this site running. You have a even harder time understanding the complexity of Dan not having multiple money trees planted in his back yard beside his flying unicorns. Dan spends hundreds if not thousands making sure this site stays up and running for thousands of little children.
This is not Dan, or his backyard.

Why do you like this site? Probably because it's very simple to register, join, login, play free games and talk to other kids. But this great and simple design didn't just appear. People were payed to design it, code it, and make so simple that a kid can come on and instinctively know what to do, making sure you have the best time possible, and this isn't cheap. At all. Not only does he pay coders/designers, but he pays game makers, quite substantial amounts of money to make the best games you all love. And he pays them a lot, if any of you pay attention you will know some people get thousands of dollars for a single game.
This cost Dan thousands of dollars, and you pay $0 to play it.

But hey! All these great features, we must be paying a lot for this much free games, and user easy of access! How much? Oh wait nothing! But wait a second... let's do some off the top of my head math...

Dan + No User Fees = Expensive To Maintain Website

No that just doesn't sound around right. There must be a missing factor.

Dan + No User Fees + X = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now let's brain storm and see what X could be that keeps this site running, oh wait no I know, ads! So the equation goes like this:

Dan + No User Fees + Ads = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now in reality the equation is much more complex but we will keep it simple for you. But what happens if you take the ads away from the equation? It's like taking away the 4 from 4 + 2 = 6, it just won't make sense or work out. Which is why they exist.
Average AG user trying to keep up with my math.

[quote]Don't worry guys, don't like ads? Use ad blocker! So cool!

Says 'Stupid Child A'
But aren't the ads there for a reason? Or why else would they be there?

Says 'Moderately Smart Child B'
Don't be stupid, ads are just there to annoy us, they don't mind if we block them, makes no difference!

Replies 'Stupid Child A'
Oh okay, I guess that makes sense Stupid Child A. Thanks for pointing that out to me, let's go whine about Sonny 3 and how it's taking forever just after Sonny 2 came out a week ago!

Says 'Recently Deemed Stupid Child B'
Yeah let's go!

Finishes 'Stupid Child A'[/quote]

By blocking ads to make your petty lives easier, you are making harder for Dan to keep the site running, because he gets less money because of it. You block ads and this makes him want to keep this site under his management less and less, because money will soon come out of his pocket, money he works hard for, and deserves to keep. By blocking ads you are ensuring that this site won't survive for long. You will keep whining that the site has ads until he can't afford to run the site and either:
A) Sells it off to someone who will change the site to your dislike.
B) Make the site pay-2-play, so you will all have to pay.
C) Close the site in it's entirety.
The future of ArmorGames due to Ad-Blockers.

You whine, but you pay nothing. If you were all ready to pay money yourselves, then complain, but if you don't like the idea of a pay to view website, you better expect a few ads. Think of the ads as your donation/fee to Dan to keep the site up, by blocking them you are trying to view the site without even paying the little minuscule entrance fee.

I don't mind ads, but now they are popping up in front of my screen and on the sides of the site! Normal ones are fine but they are now literally littering my screen to a point where I can't navigate the site.

Would you like to know who is to blame? Yourselves. This is a direct consequence of all you stupid kids who block ads, and lose Dan money.

Lets say it cost 10 dollars to run the site(it's not $10, but just as an example to explain). And the ads pay for let's say 11 dollars.
This 10 dollars goes to maintaining the site, and the extra dollar is put aside to save up and make the site even better. This comes to us as additional content or upgrades to the site/forum.

Now lets say that the ads pay for 11 usually, but now because people are blocking ads, he only gets 9 from them instead of 11. So this means he can't afford maintaining the site, let alone adding new things to it! How can this be? He will need to find a new way to make up for the 2 dollars he loses because of kids like you who block, and how does he do this? He compensates for the loss by making the other users who don't block, have even more ads. Annoying ads that appear on the sides and even over the site are there because he needs those to compensate for the loss of money generated by those who block ads. So not only are you making more ads appear by blocking, but you are making sure that he can't make enough money to update the site. You all complain new features never come on the site, and that is mainly because all the money that WOULD go to updating AG goes right into maintaining the normal site, due to losing money from blockers.
Frontpage of Armorgames if enough people start blocking ads.

I hope you stupid kids semi understand this, so that you stop blocking the site. Because you are the main cause of it's lack of updates and increased ads. So unless you have a check ready to be payed to ArmorGames every month to ensure it staying up, I suggest you shut up and live with the ads.

P.S. I said stupid 6 times in this, almost a personal record.
  • 385 Replies
8,051 posts

You know there are like 100 000 REGISTERED users, right?

268704 / 330126 users have <= 10 AP. :l
2,770 posts

268704 / 330126 users have <= 10 AP. :l

They sign up for less ads, doesn't mean they don't play games and contribute to the revenue.
134 posts

I didn't read up on what I missed, but I was just wondering why this was stickied? It isn't April 1st, so I have no idea. I completely agree with the thread, but that does not mean that it should have permanent residence on top of the support and suggestions forum(or any other section on this site).

Sticky threads are generally helpful to users, while this is some pointless thread telling users to turn off AdBlocker while insulting anyone with a rebuttal. Can we please take this down? Klaus had his 15 minutes of "fame" and it appears his friendship with a mod has paid off, congrats.

If not taken down, may I at least have a valid explanation as to why this is here?

2,770 posts

Lol, this is useful info on ads, just inlaid into a properly written article. Try reading again?

10,816 posts

Only mods and admins can sticky a thread.

In this case, Dank asked the admins whether he could sticky the thread. He has posted on this thread that he was given approval.

Therefore only an admin has reason to take this thread down, should they decide that they object to it after all.

3,675 posts

Very true.

And in other news:
Even though I know all about this thread, I read it as "Don't like AIDS? Click here!"

So I clicked it. Because AIDS, not a big fan of.

134 posts

Lol, this is useful info on ads, just inlaid into a properly written article. Try reading again?

I have been forced to read this again and again due to the annoying fact that this is on top of the page. It has bits of knowledge which is all basic common sense crammed into a post that calls people stupid several times. We know that ads are good, this has been discussed before everywhere on the internet.

Therefore only an admin has reason to take this thread down, should they decide that they object to it after all.

I did not ask how it could be taken down or how it came to be stickied, I was asking for reasons why it has been stickied. I could care less which mod/admin gave it the go ahead. I just think that it should be undone and would like a reason as to why it still is a sticky thread.
3,675 posts

Not to be harsh, but you failed you INT check hardcore.

A) If it was basic knowledge, why would people keep on complaining about the adds so much? You think they would silently understand and keep on their way.

B) Why it was stickied? Which, in English, is the same thing as how it was in this context? Because the admins wanted it to. Yup. Simple enough.

134 posts

If it was basic knowledge, why would people keep on complaining about the adds so much?

You fail to realize that this part of the forums gets bombarded with threads that are common knowledge. People do not understand why the sky is blue here. The most recent ad complaint brought up obviously was correct anyways, as the side ad was removed. Is this supposed to mean that we can't complain about certain ads because this was made into a sticky?

Does this mean I can write up a long post with random "statistics" about why edit buttons are stupid and get stickied?

Why it was stickied? Which, in English, is the same thing as how it was in this context?

I was using the word stickied to describe the action of making a thread sticky, as in stuck at the top of the page. This "word" is used commonly on the internet.

Because the admins wanted it to. Yup. Simple enough.

If you can't provide a real answer besides they wanted it to, please don't respond any further. I am just asking why and would like a somewhat logical answer, that is all.

Is the entire purpose of this thread being stickied due to the fact that people have complained so much about ads recently? I really hope not, because topics are brought up here repeatedly ALL the time and I would not like to see a sticky for every one of these issues. Why not just add this somewhere in the rules and common suggestions sticky? The clutter often discourages new users from reading the other sticky threads especially when this is the second sticky down from the list.....

Disclaimer: Expect grammatical errors like crazy. It's nap time and
I did not revise this
2,770 posts

So I clicked it. Because AIDS, not a big fan of.

..rofl? Yes, rofl.

The most recent ad complaint brought up obviously was correct anyways, as the side ad was removed.

No, that's just cause the person who wanted the ad up only paid for a weeks worth of advertising.

Is this supposed to mean that we can't complain about certain ads because this was made into a sticky?

Umm, yes. This is meant to say that you can't complain about a single ad on this site, essentially. I'll make a deal with you: if you can get every single user on this entire site to stop adblocking, I will work night and day to make sure the amount of ads are reduced. K?

I was using the word stickied to describe the action of making a thread sticky, as in stuck at the top of the page. This "word" is used commonly on the internet.

He understood what you meant by stickied, and he blatantly answered your question: because the admins wanted it up.

If you can't provide a real answer besides they wanted it to, please don't respond any further. I am just asking why and would like a somewhat logical answer, that is all.

The thing is, they don't need to give you any answer. You seem to forget that they are the admins who run the site, and can make any choice they want. They don't need to justify themselves to one user who can't seem to show respect to a mod.
1,270 posts

I know i am fine with ads sometimes i enjoy seeing them because i know its why the site prospers.

if i had my own site i would allow these adds if i was sponsored

i have a question though, is anyone else todays 1 millionth visitor?

26 posts

Yep.Everyones always the 1 millionth visitor.Its a scam to rob you.Internet mugging I like to call it.Anyway ads are okay aslong as there not border ads.I hate those ads.

4 posts

no offence but this topic is stupid

209 posts

I don't mind ads, I just hate the ones that say stuff like:
"You're the one millionth visitor, claim your Ford Fiesta now!"
"Find one mom's secret to awesome white teeth!"
"Lose 1 stone in one day! Before: Fat person, After: Completely different person"

All those kind of ads are the ones that want to know your bank details and then drain your account dry.
I just want those ads to be gone, any day now a stupid person may believe it and then get their account drained.

209 posts

Sorry for double post but look at this ad I found:

There, I have proven my point about the mom's teeth ads.
P.S. I found that ad on my profile.

Showing 61-75 of 385