ForumsSupport Forum[necro] Don't like ads? Don't click here!

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2,770 posts

You are stupid.

Some of you stupid people do not understand how much money it costs to keep this site running. You have a even harder time understanding the complexity of Dan not having multiple money trees planted in his back yard beside his flying unicorns. Dan spends hundreds if not thousands making sure this site stays up and running for thousands of little children.
This is not Dan, or his backyard.

Why do you like this site? Probably because it's very simple to register, join, login, play free games and talk to other kids. But this great and simple design didn't just appear. People were payed to design it, code it, and make so simple that a kid can come on and instinctively know what to do, making sure you have the best time possible, and this isn't cheap. At all. Not only does he pay coders/designers, but he pays game makers, quite substantial amounts of money to make the best games you all love. And he pays them a lot, if any of you pay attention you will know some people get thousands of dollars for a single game.
This cost Dan thousands of dollars, and you pay $0 to play it.

But hey! All these great features, we must be paying a lot for this much free games, and user easy of access! How much? Oh wait nothing! But wait a second... let's do some off the top of my head math...

Dan + No User Fees = Expensive To Maintain Website

No that just doesn't sound around right. There must be a missing factor.

Dan + No User Fees + X = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now let's brain storm and see what X could be that keeps this site running, oh wait no I know, ads! So the equation goes like this:

Dan + No User Fees + Ads = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now in reality the equation is much more complex but we will keep it simple for you. But what happens if you take the ads away from the equation? It's like taking away the 4 from 4 + 2 = 6, it just won't make sense or work out. Which is why they exist.
Average AG user trying to keep up with my math.

[quote]Don't worry guys, don't like ads? Use ad blocker! So cool!

Says 'Stupid Child A'
But aren't the ads there for a reason? Or why else would they be there?

Says 'Moderately Smart Child B'
Don't be stupid, ads are just there to annoy us, they don't mind if we block them, makes no difference!

Replies 'Stupid Child A'
Oh okay, I guess that makes sense Stupid Child A. Thanks for pointing that out to me, let's go whine about Sonny 3 and how it's taking forever just after Sonny 2 came out a week ago!

Says 'Recently Deemed Stupid Child B'
Yeah let's go!

Finishes 'Stupid Child A'[/quote]

By blocking ads to make your petty lives easier, you are making harder for Dan to keep the site running, because he gets less money because of it. You block ads and this makes him want to keep this site under his management less and less, because money will soon come out of his pocket, money he works hard for, and deserves to keep. By blocking ads you are ensuring that this site won't survive for long. You will keep whining that the site has ads until he can't afford to run the site and either:
A) Sells it off to someone who will change the site to your dislike.
B) Make the site pay-2-play, so you will all have to pay.
C) Close the site in it's entirety.
The future of ArmorGames due to Ad-Blockers.

You whine, but you pay nothing. If you were all ready to pay money yourselves, then complain, but if you don't like the idea of a pay to view website, you better expect a few ads. Think of the ads as your donation/fee to Dan to keep the site up, by blocking them you are trying to view the site without even paying the little minuscule entrance fee.

I don't mind ads, but now they are popping up in front of my screen and on the sides of the site! Normal ones are fine but they are now literally littering my screen to a point where I can't navigate the site.

Would you like to know who is to blame? Yourselves. This is a direct consequence of all you stupid kids who block ads, and lose Dan money.

Lets say it cost 10 dollars to run the site(it's not $10, but just as an example to explain). And the ads pay for let's say 11 dollars.
This 10 dollars goes to maintaining the site, and the extra dollar is put aside to save up and make the site even better. This comes to us as additional content or upgrades to the site/forum.

Now lets say that the ads pay for 11 usually, but now because people are blocking ads, he only gets 9 from them instead of 11. So this means he can't afford maintaining the site, let alone adding new things to it! How can this be? He will need to find a new way to make up for the 2 dollars he loses because of kids like you who block, and how does he do this? He compensates for the loss by making the other users who don't block, have even more ads. Annoying ads that appear on the sides and even over the site are there because he needs those to compensate for the loss of money generated by those who block ads. So not only are you making more ads appear by blocking, but you are making sure that he can't make enough money to update the site. You all complain new features never come on the site, and that is mainly because all the money that WOULD go to updating AG goes right into maintaining the normal site, due to losing money from blockers.
Frontpage of Armorgames if enough people start blocking ads.

I hope you stupid kids semi understand this, so that you stop blocking the site. Because you are the main cause of it's lack of updates and increased ads. So unless you have a check ready to be payed to ArmorGames every month to ensure it staying up, I suggest you shut up and live with the ads.

P.S. I said stupid 6 times in this, almost a personal record.
  • 385 Replies
14,745 posts

Low blow? Ha, a low blow would be displaying pornographic ads. I've seen flash game sites which already have more unsightly advertisements.

That's something REALLY undesirable to happen here... o_0

Even though... calling it a 'low blow' wouldn't even come close to fit the pornographic contents if they were shown in an ad!
That would simply be unacceptable! >
13,817 posts

That would simply be unacceptable! >

Of course. This is a PG-12 site.

That's something REALLY undesirable to happen here... o_0

Yes. And it would probably never happen. Unless AG became horribly bankrupt. Probably not.
19 posts

The ads aren't a problem for me anyway. I'm responding to the people who think it's "selfish" to use Adblock.

1 posts

Beggars can't be choosers.

909 posts

How can you say that? How can you say that AG is being selfish by trying to keep the site running? Have you even read the OP? AG's ads getting more aggressive is a direct result of people blocking ads. These people are making things worse for the rest of us. Yes, we have a free market. That means it's entirely your choice to screw people over until they can't provide you with free entertainment anymore.

Thanks Tharos, you helped me a few pages back and I just wanted to give you,(and this thread) an update.

I have an I-Mac, I use both Safari and Firefox. Safari for email, etc. I use Firefox almost exclusively for AG. Before I read the OP of this thread it never occurred to me that Ads might be the ONLY source of income for this site.
It also never occurred to me until Tharos responded to my SOS that Firefox's ad-blockers might be effecting the quality of the site on my computer.
I have experienced one act of ad-related sabotage but it was just a "redirect", not a virus. I don't have any personal/banking type info on Firefox so I wouldn't be losing data.

Why do I use Firefox with AG? Sure I see all of the ads but not when I compress the screen size which has saved me from sure death as soon as the bottom-page-growing-ad,(I'm having a Michael Jackson flash back to "Thriller", she says with bug eyes (0.0)
These ads don't bother me and don't effect the quality I receive anymore since I removed Firefox's ad-blocker, nor does it slow down my game speed.
1,720 posts

I can't beleve they get so much for puting adds becaose I never and I mean never, buyed or checked something I saw on internet add, or TV advertisement

202 posts

And I suppose you buy yourself that new phone or pair of sunglasses instead of donating your money to charity "for everyone else's benefit" as well, right? Come off it.

No, I do it because I'm selfish. The difference between you and me is I don't delude myself into thinking it's not selfish.

And cell phones are hardly considered a luxury. There's a difference between providing for oneself and screwing people over for the tiniest convenience, which I don't even see as a convenience at all.

I can't beleve they get so much for puting adds becaose I never and I mean never, buyed or checked something I saw on internet add, or TV advertisement

Well actually they don't get so much. Not as long as people block ads, that is.

I get your point, though. You're saying you can't believe advertisers would pay so much. Well that's just how advertising works. Of course it's extremely rare for someone to see an ad and immediately buy the product but ads still serve the purpose of raising awareness of that product.
15 posts

ur right and for some people out there, if an ad makes your computer lag just right click on it and press play again and it'l stop playing so it won't make your computer lag anymore

19 posts

No, I do it because I'm selfish. The difference between you and me is I don't delude myself into thinking it's not selfish.
The obvious implication when you accuse someone's actions of being "selfish" is that they are excessively selfish, which is a matter of opinion. I'm not deluded about anything.

And cell phones are hardly considered a luxury. There's a difference between providing for oneself
Really? Is that why people buy iPhones instead of getting something much cheaper that can accomplish the same perfunctory communication tasks?
62 posts

I clearly see your point. It does take money to run the site. And the basic only way to get it is by ads. However, there could be more things done. Like a selling business. Just sell Armor Games stuff on eBay. that way, buyer pays for the shipping. Have some really good games (like bubble tanks for example (not saying do this for bubble tanks but)) and sell them. Really cheep (like $4 or 5), that would help a bit. But, if all comes to worse (which i hope to god it don't), you could charge some kind of subscription fee, and people who pay that fee, could have access to the side ad free. Well? What you all think?

3 posts

Gamemaster1494I clearly see your point. It does take money to run the site. And the basic only way to get it is by ads. However, there could be more things done. Like a selling business. Just sell Armor Games stuff on eBay. that way, buyer pays for the shipping. Have some really good games (like bubble tanks for example and sell them. Really cheap (like $4 or $5), that would help a bit. But, if all comes to worse (which i hope to god it don't), you could charge some kind of subscription fee, and people who pay that fee, could have access to the side ad free. Well? What you all think?
Selling games: If AG were to sell good games that cheap, it wouldn't make much of a profit, but if it sells it for outragously high, then no one would buy it. You need a certain range so that enough people will buy it and you get enough money.
Subscription Fee: This could work, although they would get payed less for ads and TONS of people would quit.

62 posts

The selling games would add up after a while. The subscription fee would be just an option. Not that you have to pay to gain access. It would be for those people that hate the ads.

202 posts

The obvious implication when you accuse someone's actions of being "selfish" is that they are excessively selfish, which is a matter of opinion. I'm not deluded about anything.

You'd have to be excessively selfish to destroy a website just because you don't like the way ads look on your screen.

Really? Is that why people buy iPhones instead of getting something much cheaper that can accomplish the same perfunctory communication tasks?

Never had one.
19 posts

You'd have to be excessively selfish to destroy a website just because you don't like the way ads look on your screen.
Haha, how am I destroying the website? Billions of people never visit the site at all, are they destroying it too? I have no tolerance for ads, period. It doesn't matter whether it's armor games or any other site. It's their problem, not mine.

And you're entitled to think I'm excessively selfish, but I'm sorry, it's a subjective opinion. Have fun with that.
1 posts

Hello there.
to the best of my failing knowledge.This is my first post.
I understand completely the fact that ADS keep websites like this open
even though i am a "Stupid child"
but a few weeks ago. while my very protective grandfather was sitting next to me.He. for the very first time in a while looked at my moniter.
and to his horror. he found an add that had (looked like) a very young female child not wearing alot of clothes.
he also saw a goat chewing some grass from a young childs shorts.
(also female.)
the result. not very good

I do not mind "credit rating"
or free cursors.
or how much i could save if i changed car insurance.

but that ad was just plain stupididy.Did THIS website not think to look at the ads going on the website to "annoy" us
the very ads that are going to "Stupid children" that are mildly suggestive
they ads obviously got past some "Stupid person" to get to a "stupid child"

(heres my math equation)
Stupid person who looks at ads + mildly suggestive ad put on site + Stupid child = A stupid child looking at the said ad.
(ok. im starting to feel very depressed referring to your term stupid - enter being here im going to stop)(unless i quote you)

i hope the average mod can read that.
and for that. i used an ad blocker
yet. i read this post and you call everyone who uses an ad blocker
"stupid child" "idiotic child" "-refering to the "amusing" picture- Average AG user"
i turned ad blocker off after he left. to check if the add was still there. it was not. so i kept the blocked off
back on subject.

Have a very good day

i hope you get to read this before the mods get to it.

Showing 226-240 of 385