ForumsSupport Forum[necro] Don't like ads? Don't click here!

385 137140
2,770 posts

You are stupid.

Some of you stupid people do not understand how much money it costs to keep this site running. You have a even harder time understanding the complexity of Dan not having multiple money trees planted in his back yard beside his flying unicorns. Dan spends hundreds if not thousands making sure this site stays up and running for thousands of little children.
This is not Dan, or his backyard.

Why do you like this site? Probably because it's very simple to register, join, login, play free games and talk to other kids. But this great and simple design didn't just appear. People were payed to design it, code it, and make so simple that a kid can come on and instinctively know what to do, making sure you have the best time possible, and this isn't cheap. At all. Not only does he pay coders/designers, but he pays game makers, quite substantial amounts of money to make the best games you all love. And he pays them a lot, if any of you pay attention you will know some people get thousands of dollars for a single game.
This cost Dan thousands of dollars, and you pay $0 to play it.

But hey! All these great features, we must be paying a lot for this much free games, and user easy of access! How much? Oh wait nothing! But wait a second... let's do some off the top of my head math...

Dan + No User Fees = Expensive To Maintain Website

No that just doesn't sound around right. There must be a missing factor.

Dan + No User Fees + X = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now let's brain storm and see what X could be that keeps this site running, oh wait no I know, ads! So the equation goes like this:

Dan + No User Fees + Ads = Expensive To Maintain Website

Now in reality the equation is much more complex but we will keep it simple for you. But what happens if you take the ads away from the equation? It's like taking away the 4 from 4 + 2 = 6, it just won't make sense or work out. Which is why they exist.
Average AG user trying to keep up with my math.

[quote]Don't worry guys, don't like ads? Use ad blocker! So cool!

Says 'Stupid Child A'
But aren't the ads there for a reason? Or why else would they be there?

Says 'Moderately Smart Child B'
Don't be stupid, ads are just there to annoy us, they don't mind if we block them, makes no difference!

Replies 'Stupid Child A'
Oh okay, I guess that makes sense Stupid Child A. Thanks for pointing that out to me, let's go whine about Sonny 3 and how it's taking forever just after Sonny 2 came out a week ago!

Says 'Recently Deemed Stupid Child B'
Yeah let's go!

Finishes 'Stupid Child A'[/quote]

By blocking ads to make your petty lives easier, you are making harder for Dan to keep the site running, because he gets less money because of it. You block ads and this makes him want to keep this site under his management less and less, because money will soon come out of his pocket, money he works hard for, and deserves to keep. By blocking ads you are ensuring that this site won't survive for long. You will keep whining that the site has ads until he can't afford to run the site and either:
A) Sells it off to someone who will change the site to your dislike.
B) Make the site pay-2-play, so you will all have to pay.
C) Close the site in it's entirety.
The future of ArmorGames due to Ad-Blockers.

You whine, but you pay nothing. If you were all ready to pay money yourselves, then complain, but if you don't like the idea of a pay to view website, you better expect a few ads. Think of the ads as your donation/fee to Dan to keep the site up, by blocking them you are trying to view the site without even paying the little minuscule entrance fee.

I don't mind ads, but now they are popping up in front of my screen and on the sides of the site! Normal ones are fine but they are now literally littering my screen to a point where I can't navigate the site.

Would you like to know who is to blame? Yourselves. This is a direct consequence of all you stupid kids who block ads, and lose Dan money.

Lets say it cost 10 dollars to run the site(it's not $10, but just as an example to explain). And the ads pay for let's say 11 dollars.
This 10 dollars goes to maintaining the site, and the extra dollar is put aside to save up and make the site even better. This comes to us as additional content or upgrades to the site/forum.

Now lets say that the ads pay for 11 usually, but now because people are blocking ads, he only gets 9 from them instead of 11. So this means he can't afford maintaining the site, let alone adding new things to it! How can this be? He will need to find a new way to make up for the 2 dollars he loses because of kids like you who block, and how does he do this? He compensates for the loss by making the other users who don't block, have even more ads. Annoying ads that appear on the sides and even over the site are there because he needs those to compensate for the loss of money generated by those who block ads. So not only are you making more ads appear by blocking, but you are making sure that he can't make enough money to update the site. You all complain new features never come on the site, and that is mainly because all the money that WOULD go to updating AG goes right into maintaining the normal site, due to losing money from blockers.
Frontpage of Armorgames if enough people start blocking ads.

I hope you stupid kids semi understand this, so that you stop blocking the site. Because you are the main cause of it's lack of updates and increased ads. So unless you have a check ready to be payed to ArmorGames every month to ensure it staying up, I suggest you shut up and live with the ads.

P.S. I said stupid 6 times in this, almost a personal record.
  • 385 Replies
1,360 posts


It's a good idea, lots of sites have them and plenty of people are willing to give to keep this site up I'm sure

I've only been signed up for a little while but I always play games on AG so will be a shame to see it go because of people ad-blocking.
I find the only annoying ad the one that, if you accidentally hover your mouse over when you play a game, it pops up and dominates the screen and you have to wait for it to load then click the 'x' to return to the game again.. terrible for multi-player games like Exit Path, always makes you lose :-(
I understand why ads are everywhere of-course but that one just takes the piss xD
37 posts


i noticed your a new person to the site and i am too but for like the 50th time the ads can slow down or even freez your computer they dont do that to ur tv do they huh??? thats wat i thought so im sorry but you have to understand the circumstances of a flash gaming site and some of the popups like mess up ur game while ur in a really intense part but most of them dont those i am fine with

so just do a little looking around around next time

1 posts

im stupid i clicked

11 posts

lol i agree with klaus i just happy i can log on to the site for free

14 posts

I think that they should reduce the amount of ads

5 posts

well that's the way they earn money.
without ads this site wouldn't be running and i really don't mind them that much. i just dont like the ones that pop up at the bottom of the screen >:

37 posts

guys i dont know if you noticed but dan put ANOTHER banner on the top of the screen

1,360 posts

guys i dont know if you noticed but dan put ANOTHER banner on the top of the screen

Great, he needs more money, must mean more games xD

Seriously I don't see the problem with ads at all, they are all just a part of business and we are on this site for FREE, if Dan decided to charge membership to have accounts and play games but the website would be banner free, I'm sure everyone, at least a large majority, would want it to be changed back..
2,180 posts

The other solution, of course, is to have AG bought out like what happened to Kongregate.

1,751 posts

I don't mind the stationary ads. Fill up the sides with stationary ads. Make them be rool-over. Make Google ads (they are less anoying). Just please get the ads that open a new window if you enter a game and the ads that move with the page from poping up.

185 posts

im ok with ads the don't hurt me but bad thing is when i play exit path i move my mouse to much and the popup add at the bottom comes out and makes me behind but im okay with this i don't whine and im not an ad blocker im ok with ads i always though they help with money just like sponsers (ok i don't know how to spell sponsers idc)for a race car so i don't find a problem i just try even harder next time anbd test how good or bad i might be at exit path

11 posts

i think that all of the people who make all of these games possible like krin and jmtb02 for example i llllooooovvvveeee they're games but it takes some money to make them it sucks i feel bad

232 posts

How does anyone play any games on this site without an adblocker? O.o In general ads don't bother me, especially the type of ads that are on this site, but ads on top of and below every game screen that move and are brightly colored are just ridiculous. How am I supposed to get into a game that is really deep or darkly themed when ads with bright colors and bright smiling anime characters are running across the top and bottom of the game? Move those ads and sure, I'll turn off my adblocker on this site.

815 posts

@ Knives There just flash games there not realistic so i dont see how you could get into it.

I dont mind ad's i just dislike the ones that pop up.

10 posts

I don't mind popup ads. Why should anyone? Use FireFox. But all these moving ads, its ridiculous. It slows my games down so bad to have two moving ads on both sides of the screen. I get told to get a popup blocking third party program (which defeats the purpose entirely) or to get a new computer. If I wanted to get a new computer, I wouldn't be playing stupid flash games.

Ok, which is it? Either get tone it down with the moving ads or I'm not going to be able to play these games. It totally defeats the purpose of a skill based game when the frame rate is like 10 fps.

Showing 361-375 of 385