Wolfmother! Has anyone else heard of these guys? Not very popular here in the America's, but a huge sensation in Australia. They are commonly compared to Led Zepplin. Their an excellent band. I'd say their more like a Led Sabbath, but anyways their awesome. If you haven't heard of them you should seriously check them out. So far they have one album out titled 'Wolfmother', and their second album 'Cosmic Egg' is coming soon. Listen to these songs:
Women Joker and the Thief Love Train Back Round Dimension Mind's Eye Colossal
They're pretty good. Did they re-band then, or what?
I think so.
It was odd when they split up. It was right after they performed at the Pemberton Music Festival I thought about going but I changed my mind. I would have been pissed if they broke up and I never got another chance to seem them live D: