hmmmmm i have no clue but i know tht the buccaners pwn. try getting better equipment. when i played tht i had mithryl armor on all my henchman. Theres a trick in the beginign of the game to get the vanguard thing it only takes like 5 minutes. its not a cheat its just buying and selling i cant remmeber the material but its either iron or coal i think its iron to one of the places around you. look for one tht has the highest pay out.If u continue tht ull have great cash great henchman after you travel the globe and get the best equipdment. Hench man help a lot. try ot get some with high attack and defence and proabaly trade if trade is a skill. u should be able to defeat preety much anyone doing tht i took over 7 cities but got bored of the game and quit some weeks ago.
Just get enough money to buy a vanguard, then downgrade to tank, sell the stuff from tank, get vanguard again, repeat. Then run around with your vanguard, get 4 people (fromt he road if you want), and equip tehm all with mythril armor and claymores. Then pwn everythign you see
oh, by now, shouldn't you have enough money to buy the mythril or whatever and the best sword?????? i mean, just buy that, and it's easy! buy a vanguard, help some people, and then fight them!