ForumsWEPREven God Was Scared Of Low Blows

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2,581 posts

I was looking at a Wikipedia page and I found this Bible verse.

When men fight with one another, and the wife of the one approaches to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, you shall sever her hand; you shall have no compassion

I personally thought this was hilarious. What do you think about this verse. Does God really think this? Or was it written by men. I believe the latter.
  • 22 Replies
1,455 posts

I don't think God really thinks this. A lot of stereotyping had to get into the Bible since white men wrote it.

2,581 posts

So is that a contradiction. Supposedly, everything in the Bible is inspired right? Well that means, this is what God really thought.

1,455 posts

Personally I believe it's just a record of what happened, written by a biased source. I believe in the events, but not the sexism and racism etc.

2,581 posts

I forgot to give y'all the Verses.

It's Deuteronomy 25:11-12

2,906 posts

Does God really think this?

of course he does. its in the bible, so it must be true. right?
9,462 posts

'tis The Old Testament, not the New Testament. And just so you guys know, Testament id another word for promise, that's why there's a lot of bull**** in the Old one.

So the Bible isn't the inerrant word of God?
3,224 posts

So the Bible isn't the inerrant word of God?

It's quite possible to accept the New Testament without believing in the God of the Old Testament. There are actually fewer contradictions that way.

However I also think it's important to point out that the Bible themself describes the God from the OT and the God from the NT differently, and so they should be treated as such.

That said, I don't see much value in following the OT. However that doesn't mean the way the OT describes God has to be accurate for the rest of the books to have value.

In any case, most Christians I know don't take the Bible that literally.
9,462 posts

It's quite possible to accept the New Testament without believing in the God of the Old Testament. There are actually fewer contradictions that way.

Ho is that so? The NT refers back to the OT. So how can you disregard one but not the other? Aren't there many things from the old testament that are still still held up by Christians? Finally even ignoring the OT there are plenty of contractions in the NT.

However I also think it's important to point out that the Bible themself describes the God from the OT and the God from the NT differently, and so they should be treated as such.

They way you speak here makes it sound like you're talking about two different Gods.

That said, I don't see much value in following the OT. However that doesn't mean the way the OT describes God has to be accurate for the rest of the books to have value.

If I planned to live my life by the teaching from a book I think I would want a rather accurate book to follow.

In any case, most Christians I know don't take the Bible that literally.

If we can make it mean pretty much what ever we want it to mean then what true value can it hold?
4,871 posts

Hahaha you found that verse, very nice I've been looking for it forever! Check out Leviticus 15.

Anyway you can take this two ways from a Christian point of view. Either God did command this (No idea why but hey I'm not God.) Or Moses just got pissed and was like yo biotch do that again and I'll sever your hand off..word brother. If your not a Christian just laugh about it, I know I would.

3,224 posts

The NT refers back to the OT. So how can you disregard one but not the other? Aren't there many things from the old testament that are still still held up by Christians?

A Testament is a covenant. The New Testament was the new covenant meant to revise the Old Testament, because it was old, and customs, laws and traditions had since changed.

They way you speak here makes it sound like you're talking about two different Gods.

I'm not talking about two different Gods. The behaviour of God in the OT and NT change dramatically. The bible does describe them differently, however that doesn't mean they are separate entities, just that the authors of the NT addressed the change.

If I planned to live my life by the teaching from a book I think I would want a rather accurate book to follow.

Excepting the original Hebrew, none of the bible is 100% true. Phrases shift over the years, across multiple translations. I hate to beat a dead horse here, but in one of the passages regarding homosexual behaviour, for instance (Romans, I think, since I do know it was written by Paul), the phrase, which in Greek, breaks down into ''Man beds'', as best we can figure is translated into a decrying of homosexuality in general.

However the alternate view could be taken that it was decrying male prostitution, or something completely different. The point being, we really don't know what it means, and so we guessed.

If we can make it mean pretty much what ever we want it to mean then what true value can it hold?

Because of the innacuracy of the bible, there is meaning where you choose to find it. The bible has changed so much over the years and the original context can be difficult to determine without the right frame of mind (ie. 1st and 2nd century AD), that the best thing anyone can tell you about the meaning of the bible is more or less their interpretation on what it is saying.
333 posts

I don't think God really thinks this. A lot of stereotyping had to get into the Bible since white men wrote it.

1. Racist
2. Obviously white men wrote the bible because ''God'' isn't real enough to write/ or do anything lol
3. If it wasn't for white men there wouldn't be any Christian black men
887 posts

I don't understand this why is there and old testement and a new testement is one written by difference people should one be desregarded and the other valued what the Kanye west is going on here?

1,455 posts

1. Racist
2. Obviously white men wrote the bible because ''God'' isn't real enough to write/ or do anything lol
3. If it wasn't for white men there wouldn't be any Christian black men

1. Stereotyping, meaning racism and sexism. That's why I say "white" and "men". That's not ME being racist, you fool.
2. Most Christians don't think God came down from heaven and wrote the Bible, but not everyone OUTSIDE Christianity knows that.
3. That's not racist, but what I said was?
333 posts

3. That's not racist, but what I said was?

never mind, long as you put it as "white" "men".

everything is cool
1,751 posts

I don't understand this why is there and old testement and a new testement is one written by difference people should one be desregarded and the other valued what the Kanye west is going on here?

OT- all the abrahamick religions belive this. tells about the jewish people.

NT- islam and cristanity belive this. tells about jesus.
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