don't you remember the good old Slavery days in Egypt?
1. No that was before I was born. 2. The first cristians were from jewish families. So all the cristians should go to Egypt. 3. That was 400 years out of 4000. 1/10.
The whole thing about ISreals "reclamation" of their ancestral homeland is a total thing of bloodshed. The camps that they forced the Palestinaians, who have jsut a right as them to be on the same land, since they both livedo n that land for about the same amount of time, I think both should have the land. I hate it how people take sides with either one, both have equil claims, even if the isreali's are more of immigrants (their ancestors lived there, not they themselves.)
Ok tell me why do we have to ship food, water and medicinal supplies to the Gaza Strip?
Because whilst the Israeli government taxes and Jews equally, the difference in services is vast. The Jews have access to good quality schools and hospitals etc. The Palestinians have none of that. So yes, you should do so yourselves, seeing as you tax them, but you should also let aid into the country too.
Because whilst the Israeli government taxes and Jews equally, the difference in services is vast. The Jews have access to good quality schools and hospitals etc. The Palestinians have none of that. So yes, you should do so yourselves, seeing as you tax them, but you should also let aid into the country too.
They want to be a separete country, so why should there be service from the Israel goverment?