Alright well its late atm here, so im not exactly sure how to give an amazing title that doesn't sound to cliche. This topic is meant to be about how you feel with pulling the plug on human vegetables. Now some of you might not understand what "human vegetables" are. So i might as well explain this without sounding too redundant. They are human beings who have no brain but a brain stem, or have little to no brain action but sometimes with the exception of a brain stem. The brain stem is what controls all human organs. So yes it is possible to live without a brain (I have been taking an EMR course and the paramedic who taught me had to transport a girl without a brain and only a brain stem). Anyways I'm am now sounding a lil redundant and am getting off topic.
This topic is about how you feel towards pulling the plug (or however you have to stop the heart beat) on a human in this "vegetable" state.
I will most likely come back and argue points for both sides, but atm I would like to see how the AG community finds this topic.