ForumsGame WalkthroughsCOD: WaW Wii Walkthrough #1

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Mission #1: Semper Fi
Difficulty: 3/10
Strategy: NO

This level isn't really difficult, and is probably one of the easier
missions to play through,that doesn't mean it doesn't have it's
difficult parts. This level you should get through between
10 to 20 minutes and maybe 40 if your having difficulties.
The level starts with you being interrogated, eventually some of your
allies come to rescue you and than the level really begins. Once you
have control, pick up the Type 100 and replace your pistol with M1
garand, make your way down the beach, you should see a walkway to your left and than a little hut to your right. You could rush to the left to the walkway since that is way you need to go, or head into the hut and pick the enemies off than make your way to the walkway. Once you are comfortable or can rush, make your way onto the bridge, keeping a good look in the distance at the enemies to try and kill them while you go up. Once you make it up, head on over past the beach back up the next walkway, an enemy will come and attack on of the soldiers, so kill him fast. If you do this, you will walk away with the 'Saving Private Ryan' achievement, Move on up to the boxes right near the edge of the hut, you should have a good view of the enemies on the next hut aiming at you, take them out and head to your left and go around the hut, an enemy will burst out of the hut there should be 2, take them out. Than go inside if you want to switch out your weapons for the Thompson or the Arisaka equipped with the bayonet. Stay inside here and slowly peak out the window, and snipe the Japanese enemy on the MG, once he is out, take out the enemies hiding right behind the rock and head outside while staying prone, and inch out ever so slightly and take out who you can while taking cover. Eventually your unit will move up, and you can head on through. I would use caution when following your men, sometimes enemies come from the MG hut or behind it, so be on your watch while using the sandbags as cover from the enemies that can appear from the front.Continue up into the forest, up some ways you will be attacked by Kamikaze soldiers, don't worry you should be able to kill them without much problem, once you finished them off continue until you reach the ridge. Here you will need to cover another platoon from Japanese fire, stay prone and you can move up to where there is a rock, you should have a good shot on the enemy on the tower and spotlight, take those out, then proceed down and take out the enemy on the MG. The rest is pretty simple, eliminate the rest of the forces which shouldn't be too much. If you find your getting spammed by grenades you could rush all the way down to the peach take out all the enemies in the mg nest, and use that as cover as you pick them off. Though I highly doubt you will need to take such a drastic measure.Once the enemies have all been killed off regroup with Roebuck and head up the river, you will see a lot of dead soldiers and a small little broken down hut, go in there and prone your self. You will be ambushed and blinded once you regain your vision you will have to take out a lot of enemies. This part is a little tough so don't get discouraged if you die a few times here. If you find doing it from the hut is hard, head all the way to the right, you should see a dead soldier here, use the rock for cover and if you still have the Arisaka, snipe off all the soldiers hiding behind the cans and the little cliff guarded by the logs, there are usually 2 enemies here. Clear the enemies in the area while using the can for cover or the first place you took cover and you shouldn't have too much problems. Once it's cleared head on down look right ahead and you should see a Japanese sniper on the small cliff appear, snipe him down and rush to cover, there will be more enemies coming in front of you, clear them out. Take cover by the boulder with the piece of roofing leaned up next to it and clear the enemy on the MG.
once this is done you will me ordered to puncture the oil on a truck,
and than they will send that truck right to the enemy blowing a lot of Japanese up and really destroying their compound.Here you will rush down with your team, you will notice the Japanese are in chaos, you need to pick them off while backing up Roebucks. Keep your eyes to the right as there are usually snipers ready to pick you off, take them out and I would suggest bringing out the type 100 and killing the rest of the enemies as you go, use cover as needed and rush to Roebucks who will open the door to where you have to plant charges. Pretty easy, plant them and rush out to the beach, you will get hit by what seems to be mortar fire and than assaulted by an enemy. Don't worry you won't get killed but instead saved by Roebucks and dragged to the boat and leave as the place blows up.End of level one, after this it turns into pure hell.

Survive Interrogation
Beat through the huts
Survive enemy ambushes
Help save the platoon on the beach
Survive a major ambush
Take set a truck on fire
Plant some charges
Run to your boat and live

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is this veteran? cuz this would defiantly not work with veteran

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