A lot of you guys get really worked up over a debate or an argument. Debating is fun, but just remember something when your starting to get really frustrated over a simple argument.
I certainly do not desire to come across as a prig, but if you had a "retarded" child, you would find this type of very old attempt at "humor" to be in poor taste at best.
All it takes is one car accident and a certain amount of brain damage and you too can have fun made of your mental state by people who speak before they think...or care.
I know this sounds harsh but I have just seen too much of this attitude during my life that I am thankful that all the rudeness that I gave out when I was young has not come back to bite me as hard as it could have.
Don't get wrong, I am paying for my past sins in my body with all its aliments. And again, I don't want to come across as someone who can't take politically incorrect humor because I can. But when you make fun of children who cannot help their condition, then I think it crosses the line.
Sorry for the rant. Feel free to remove it if you desire. I just know you guys are better than this.