I stuck it in the wrong hole.Funny stuff, no?
I don't get it. Can you explain it? Sorry if I'm being ignorant.
BUT do not tell me if it is something rude. Well last night I crashed into my own fence when parking. The neighbours thought it was hilarious.
http://vodpod.com/watch/2178825-wrong-hole-with-dj-lubel-taryn-southern-and-scott-baio-from-moranislover-and-scott-baio-videoFor you guys who aren't aware.God I love this video, friend showed it to me a few days ago.<3 Scott Baio
Rofl link fail..http://vodpod.com/watch/2178825-wrong-hole-with-dj-lubel-taryn-southern-and-scott-baio-from-moranislover-and-scott-baio-video
Just searched up "In the wrong hole." The link was what Klaushouse is. Lmao funny video.
no not funny stuff... i can't believe they got baio to do that... eesh
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