ForumsWEPRLouisiana: Justice Refuses To Marry Couple

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What, you didn't know about this?
That's slightly embarrassing. Either you're behind the times or I really need to stop hanging out on news channels' websites so much.
Here's the deal. There's this justice of the peace, right? The dude's name is Keith Bardwell, and guess what he does? In a true 1960s homage, Mr. Bardwell refused to marry an interracial couple; Beth Humphrey(white), and Terence McKay(Latino). What an idiot. He refuses to marry an interracial couple, because of their race, under the terms that he is, get this, not a racist, but in fact was protecting their children from racism. He said, and I quote:
âI'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way. I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom.I treat them just like everyone else."
And prepare for the lamest quote in the history of mankind trying to condone racism. You ready to lose some brain cells? Then read on.
âThere is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage. I think those children suffer and I won't help put them through it."
Excuse me?
And they made this guy a justice?
Don't worry though folks, a justice who's not racist and who has two brain cells to rub together did marry the couple.
But the guy is still a justice(even though a lot of people are pressing for his resignation).
You can see a video here.
What are you peoples' thoughts?
If this thread has already been made, then I'm sorry. I didn't know.

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You see, this is why people should stay away from the deep south.

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