I mean seriously, why? I mean, our government is at least better than Zimbabwes, so WHY do you hate the government so much? Some common arguements: "the iraq war iz 4 oil" Our government is too smart to spend 6 years across the world trying to get OIL. "dey git in scandals" ...Which has nothing to do with their job... "dey don"t caer about peoplez" They're in the government for a reason. If they wanted to make money they'd steal and start drug chains.
This topic has been on a lot of late, at least 3 times in the past week I think, in fact there's one on the first page, although it's labled why do you hate america not the government in particular.
The US Government allowed my (German) grandfather into the country when he was of a young age, then when WWII was starting, and he had just turned 18, he took the Citizenship test so he could be in the army. he passed, and he went on to fight in the war and clean up France and Britain after the war. comes back 7 years later and is told that he didn't pass the citizenship test and that there was a 'mistake'. also, that he failed by two points.
that's my personal everlasting grudge against the government.
you asked why i hate the US Government. they were assholes, they still are, and that's a perfect example of the US Government's vast, notorious mistreatment of veterans that's still a large and largely covered-up issue today.
if you're going to include reasons to hate the US Government it should be that they don't include deaths of (even recent) injured vets on US soil or suicides from Shell Shock on the number of deaths from recent wars. it changes the death toll and one would expect it to change public view on current wars drastically-- and we already see how largely people respond to relatively small death tolls today.
you asked why i hate the US Government. they were ********, they still are, and that's a perfect example of the US Government's vast, notorious mistreatment of veterans that's still a large and largely covered-up issue today.
Could you think of a solution? I'm not angry, I'm just asking.
I dont center my hate against the US goverment. I truly believe that loads of goverments and rulers around the world are playing a big game of chess with the general population. "Fine, its why they govern" you might say. Well I would have hoped or "civil"ization would be able to come together and bring about an age of peace and prosperity, seeing as we communicate better than ever and are very aware of the world issues (well some not so aware, and some dont care). But sadly power causes corruption.
I dont have a solution, but the US goverment are deffo part of the problem. I hate my goverment too. Goverments suck and are NOT trying to help. If they were trying they would have done so by now. Tell me... was the goverment there for a load o people during hurricane katrina. Nope... they messed up, why? Money perhaps. Lack of empathy. Maybe the only thing that got in the way was paperwork and administration (computer says no Mr.President, sorry)...
The US goverment is maybe not the worst in the world, but with all that publicity and money and power, they sure do a pish job.
Well I would have hoped or "civil"ization would be able to come together and bring about an age of peace and prosperity, seeing as we communicate better than ever and are very aware of the world issues (well some not so aware, and some dont care). But sadly power causes corruption.
Just realize something, there are way more bad people in the world then you think. This event could never occur, why you might ask?
Because...we are humans!
Our very existence proves that such an event could never occur. Even if our leaders declared peace, there is still conflict within countries, still crimes within cities, still gangs within alley ways, still bullys within school yards.
Conflict, without it we can't live, (because humans wouldn't be humans without conflict) and with it we will die. It is a paradox in a sense.
Our very existence proves that such an event could never occur. Even if our leaders declared peace, there is still conflict within countries, still crimes within cities, still gangs within alley ways, still bullys within school yards.
Leaders declaring peace! It would be a start tho... wouldnt it?