Red shift occurs when a source of light is moving away from a viewer's perspective, and blue shift occurs when it is moving towards a viewer's perspective. According to the Big Bang theory everything is moving outward and away from everything else, yet the blue shift occurs as the Andromeda galaxy comes closer to us every day. How can this be?
Think of paradoxes. The universe is full of them. Their must be something within our own galaxy (probably a certain gravitational pull) resulting in the movement of the Andromeda galaxy towards our own. Then again, I wouldn't know for sure :P
Or it could be we are closer to the center of the universe and we are in a more perfect orbit around whatever it is that has the most mass in the universe and the andromeda galaxy is getting pulled in faster than we are.
According to the Big Bang theory everything is moving outward and away from everything else
We know this isn't true, as year after year the planets in our solar system revolve around our own sun, so planetary and solar bodies are clearly not just moving in one direction - outward from the initial point of explosion.
I'm not sure where you got that particular statement, but I'd love a source to be cited.
"Anyway it's quite natural for galaxies to collide even though the universe is expanding - although I could see why you might get confused about it. What happens is that there is a battle between the forces of gravity between the two galaxies (which is trying to pull them together) and the expansion of the universe (which is trying to pull them apart). With galaxies that start out quite close together, it is almost always gravity that wins, so in the end the galaxies will collide. This will most likely happen to the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy (our nearest large neighbour) in a few billion years."
Oh I am not confused. Just pointing out a major flaw of the theory. If gravity is pulling them together then there is no reason that they would have gotten so far apart to begin with.
NO, the only flaw is in your OP. Everything is not moving away from everything else - I can walk up to you hypothetically and poke you in the eye. I wouldn't be moving away from you. Blue shift occurs on Andromeda because it's supposed to - Andromeda is moving toward us.
How is it creative thinking when you just snatch things from websites?
But you're not creatively thinking. You're speaking to a theory someone else came up with, but you're not showing your work. Perhaps you can show a website or provide a source that you're making your criticism of. Otherwise, it just looks like you're making up your own version of the Big Bang theory so that you can poke holes in it, since you can't actually poke holes in the *real* theory.
Andromeda is moving toward us
According to the theory it should not be.
Ever heard of gravity?
maybe the big bang is a big bunch of bull sh*t maybe? i think so
And what scientific basis do you have to make that conclusion Pau1?