I just got Pivot so... Here is my first.I am trying to make a pterodactyl. Its hard. The next will have a pterodactyl in it.
Haha! I really like it, you should buy flash to expand your animation skills.
Flash is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too expensive. And I am only 12 so I don't need it.
BTW how do you get the animations on the forumis it the same as regular images?
jdoog, your animations are awesome and i can't wait to watch the rest of the movie
Whoops! Sorry :}{:
y won't it work?
Shadow Wave go to tinypic.com
Is the movie done yet?I am not patient.
Your animations are simple, but I like them! I think you would be great if you had flash!
is your movie done xD
Sorry I just don't have time for the movie.
Man I thought you'd make a movie.
You could just make a shory film that is like 5 minutes.
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