Why everyone is worked up about this. One, every flu kills people. Two, there are THOUSANDS of different typs of the flu. Three, I had it and it was the exact same thing as the flu, low grade temp, runny nose, a small cough and a slight headache. It's not a pandemic or a disaster, it's the flu.
Yeah it aint the worst.There will always be a flu that kills a bunch of people but that happens everyday.Its just like the normal flu just a bit more worse.
What I am asking is should we get the swine flu vaccien?
How the hell can a virus be a money-making project. It's not like the government created it.
And the Canadian government is giving out the vaccine for free. The reason why is because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than Canada's medical plan paying $1000 a night or more for someone to stay in the hospital.
How the hell can a virus be a money-making project. It's not like the government created it.
No but a private company is making it, they have a 233 million dollar deal with the Canadian government to make it(don't quote me on this, I read it a week ago or so and I might have forgot it a bit).
How the hell can a virus be a money-making project. It's not like the government created it.
No but a private company is making it, they have a 233 million dollar deal with the Canadian government to make it(don't quote me on this, I read it a week ago or so and I might have forgot it a bit).
Do you seriously believe this? Tomer, you sound like one of those people who doesn't believe the lunar landing happend. The private company is making it thing, im sorry, but if you think that our government PAYED canada to make it and kill our citzens then you are stupid, im sorry if that's dirogatory but it's true.
The private company is making it thing, im sorry, but if you think that our government PAYED canada to make it and kill our citzens then you are stupid, im sorry if that's dirogatory but it's true.
I dont think they care if we live or die on a moral basis, its all about the money, and we need to be here to buy it. Dyou not think there is something wrong with using money to get life saving drugs of all kinds, regardless of my stance on a particular one.
I dont think they care if we live or die on a moral basis, its all about the money,
Exactly... the vaccine is way cheaper (here at least) it is around $7 a person. The government would much rather pay that than have many people in the hospital at around $1000 a night.
Swine Flu is not as bad as you think. A lot of deaths come because the person already has pre-existing medical conditions. We had this same type of commotion when bird flu came about. It never reached the U.S. I believe, but we got really worked up about just another type of flu.