ForumsWEPRPre-existing conditions: why should I suffer?

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1,416 posts

I wrote this on Microsoft Word, and sometimes it doesn't translate well onto the AG Forums. Sorry for any errors. Hopefully it will be readable:

I have been rejected by 2 insurance companies so far because of pre-existing conditions. One condition is a bladder condition, and the other is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Without proper medication, it is impossible for me to be a productive member of society. If I don't have the bladder meds, I spend about 10-15 minutes of every hour in the bathroom. The OCD is more of an anxiety problem. Before being medicated, I could not even talk to members of my own family without having panic attacks, cold sweats, and extreme anxiety. Nevermind being able to talk in front of strangers or groups of people. With medication, it suppresses my anxiety. I was able to complete student teaching and will hopefully have a teaching job soon.

Without insurance, these medications cost about $550 a month. At Target I make about $900 a month. Pile on basic health insurance (let's say $50/month), student loans ($100), car insurance ($70/month), gas (about $90), adds up to $860 a month. I also have a cat which I pay for and have other basic expenses like car repairs, clothes, shoes, entertainment, etc. So I'm losing somewhere between $100-$300 a month. And with the crappy economy, it's impossible to find another job around here. The only reason I got the job at Target was because my brother worked there. I live with my parents for free. Imagine people who don't get that privilege. Someone in my situation, living on their own is probably losing a couple thousand or more per month.

Without these medications, which I cannot afford, I am practically handicapped. In the end, it will cost more for society to take care of me if I don't have these medications. Without them, I would not be able to hold a steady job. I can't be social without one med, and the other med will force me to take lots of time away from the company through bathroom breaks. Without medication, I would be on unemployment, welfare, or need public housing to survive. So is it better for society to pay for my medications now, or to support my unemployed ass later on? The answer is clearly to help someone now.

Medications help fix problems with people, which allows them to become more productive members of society. So if society has to come together to provide health care for every individual, it will save much more money in the future.

A privately controlled industry favors the rich. If I was rich, I could easily pay for the medications by myself. A public option will help those who simply cannot afford insurance, medical care, or medications. The American Dream tells us that through hard work, we can succeed. But after all the work I do, I can barely make it. I work my ass off for the measly paycheck I get. I paid thousands of dollars to student teach. I paid to work. Where is my reward? Where is my American Dream? That's all it is: a dream. It's not real. Hard work is not rewarded. What is rewarded is corruption, thievery, knowing people on the inside, and having a rich background. It's time for a major change.

If you don't believe in a public option, tell me why insurance companies should be allowed to deny me coverage for conditions that I cannot control. Last time I checked, insurance was to cover my medical conditions, not to turn me away because I have medical conditions.

  • 24 Replies
5,579 posts

A prison cell paid for by taxes, accomodating people you have never met? One of those? Also, don't complain about having to pay for others, that is a right exclusive to bill payers, ie., your parents.

I have to pay taxes as well -.-

The widely held American belief that people should earn whatever they want I find quite disgusting. It implies those that can't afford to do so as being feckless or lazy and therefore shouldn't be given any help. That is something I would hope would have been left behind by the Edwardian age and Liberal reforms. If by 2009 Americans haven't realised that, I've lost faith in their ability to rationalise.

They may or may not deserve it, but it shouldn't be forced. No matter what. We might as well just become a utopia where you have no money, earn no money, and work you a*s off.
3,224 posts

I have to pay taxes as well -.-

Tax bands for young people are very low indeed. I don't think til you work full time, and have to pay biills, that you have the right to complain about taxation to the extent you have.

They may or may not deserve it, but it shouldn't be forced. No matter what. We might as well just become a utopia where you have no money, earn no money, and work you a*s off.

All taxes are forced, why do you discriminate between paying taxes for say, using your own example, the maintenance of prisons, and welfare. By your logic, it's not what the money is used for you object to, but the very fact money is taken without permission. There are two things certain in life, death and taxes. The latter might aswell be used to promote social justice and equality of opportunity.
5,579 posts

All taxes are forced, why do you discriminate between paying taxes for say, using your own example, the maintenance of prisons, and welfare. By your logic, it's not what the money is used for you object to, but the very fact money is taken without permission. There are two things certain in life, death and taxes. The latter might aswell be used to promote social justice and equality of opportunity.

I have nothing against necessary taxes, but ones that aren't anywhere close to necessary should be voluntary. Otherwise you lose that freedom over your life you hold so dearly. Government is there to make a country work, not kiss the countries a*s everytime they have a problem.

Tax bands for young people are very low indeed. I don't think til you work full time, and have to pay biills, that you have the right to complain about taxation to the extent you have

Okay. In six months I'll necro this thread and complain.
3,224 posts

I have nothing against necessary taxes, but ones that aren't anywhere close to necessary should be voluntary. Otherwise you lose that freedom over your life you hold so dearly. Government is there to make a country work, not kiss the countries a*s everytime they have a problem.

Surely if there is a problem as serious as 36 million of its citizens being unable to afford healthcare (for the majority through no fault of their own I might add), it's the governments duty to address the problem?

This isn't the 1920s. The do nothing approach has been empirically proven to fail.

Also, who decides what is necessary and worthy of government intervention? The opinions of white people with blue eyes seem to be the deciding factor in most cases. Perhaps it's why Obama has received so much criticism.

Okay. In six months I'll necro this thread and complain.

You do that. Don't forget you need to have taken a mortgage out by then aswell. Also, if you really want to release frustration raise a family too. That's when you'll have the right.
5,579 posts

You do that. Don't forget you need to have taken a mortgage out by then aswell. Also, if you really want to release frustration raise a family too. That's when you'll have the right.

That'll take decades. I'll be 50 by that time.

So I don't need to raise a family. The morgage one I won't qualify for for a little while, nor will I be able to afford.

Also, who decides what is necessary and worthy of government intervention? The opinions of white people with blue eyes seem to be the deciding factor in most cases. Perhaps it's why Obama has received so much criticism.

He only receives criticism from me for doing nothing and acting like a rock star.

Surely if there is a problem as serious as 36 million of its citizens being unable to afford healthcare (for the majority through no fault of their own I might add), it's the governments duty to address the problem?

It's not the governments' problem. The government runs a country; it doesn't control its people. If they don't have insurance, so what. It's not anyone's problem but their own.
1,416 posts

They may or may not deserve it, but it shouldn't be forced. No matter what. We might as well just become a utopia where you have no money, earn no money, and work you a*s off.

Hey, that's my life right now! And I don't even have insurance!

3,224 posts

He only receives criticism from me for doing nothing and acting like a rock star.

I guess this healthcare thing just isn't a big deal. Oh wait..

It's not the governments' problem. The government runs a country; it doesn't control its people. If they don't have insurance, so what. It's not anyone's problem but their own.

Introducing healthcare is hardly controlling the American people. You Americans don't mind being dragged into 2 ruinously expensive wars, but when a black president tries to instil positive reform on you, all of a sudden the government is a totalitarian monster. Yeah right.
2,837 posts

How is taxing the insurance that 84% of Americans already freaking have reform? Its just as disastrous as the damn pollution bill will be on electricity, gasoline, heating bills, and anything which involves transportation.

3,224 posts

How is taxing the insurance that 84% of Americans already freaking have reform? Its just as disastrous as the **** pollution bill will be on electricity, gasoline, heating bills, and anything which involves transportation.

It's reform because it's change in a positive direction. Unless you are willing to say that the right to health shouldn't be universal, I can't see how you can refute this proposition.

Don't hide behind stats. The fact remains that 36 million Americans have to choose between food and healthcare. Considering the US is the wealthiest nation on the earth, I find this quite disgusting.
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