Kind of ironic, we get a break from school for the start and end of the work season of the old days (Memorial day/Labor day) but we don't get a day off for remembering all of those who have fought for this country. Even more so that it's public schooling mostly that doesn't give you a day off when the military is governmently run.
really comunist lets put it this way if all those brave souls who fought and died hundreds of miles away never existed we would be enslaved by nazi germany and all the germs homo sexuals etc would be gone you have to realize that they gave there lives so that we may live the way we do would that work out? The Nazis weren't bothering us at all...and it would have been extremely difficult for them to invade a country with a sea in between.
really comunist lets put it this way if all those brave souls who fought and died hundreds of miles away never existed we would be enslaved by nazi germany and all the germs homo sexuals etc would be gone you have to realize that they gave there lives so that we may live the way we do
All the homosexuals didn't live in Nazi Germany, not even Europe. Germany never bothered America.And the soldiers didn't give up their lives, they were forced to. The war wasn't started to save the poor homosexuals, but to spread political dominance and to get rid of a people so there would be more jobs.
In Canada, it is called Remembrance Day. And yes, it is only one day.
Yes, its called Remembrance day, but(where I am at at least) there are(or were, it stopped after remembrance day) government commercials advertising 'veterans week'(November 5th-11th).