ForumsWEPR[necro]Latter Day Saints on Armor Games

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Hey, this topic is just for LDS members, so we can discuss things and topics. If you are not LDS and you want to talk, please join, but if you insult us, you will be kicked and reported.

  • 224 Replies
2,837 posts

Do they consider their women to be baby machines through which they may have unlimited children and ascend to godhood?

The whole rule your own planet via your descendants is just a bit much.

8,570 posts

Do they consider their women to be baby machines through which they may have unlimited children and ascend to godhood?
The whole rule your own planet via your descendants is just a bit much.

No. The women in my family are not viewed as "baby machines." Through which they can ascend to godhood? Where are you getting this crap? If I'm not mistaken, procreation is one of the rules of Christianity as well.

How do you explain not liking the cross though? That is just my biggest wtf thought when I talk to Mormons.
To Christian, the cross identifies the great sacrifice Christ went through to forgive all ou sins and save us from evil. It is the thing people look to an is almost the symbol of Christ himself.
Shoot, I can't remember the verse but it goes, "Take up your cross and follow him"...something along those lines, that is why Christians wear crosses.
I just don't understand what is so bad about the cross in Mormon eyes, the cross didn't kill him, his crucifiers did.

Sorry Kirby; that seems like a perfectly well founded question. I'm not a Mormon. However, as I have said, much of my family is, and I will shoot down any argument that is retarded. A good argument, however, I will let pass. There is nothing wrong with your comment. Therefore, I agree with you. can ask a real Mormon on the site. I think Snakebite is, if you want to ask her.
2,837 posts

They believe that once they are given their own world to rule it will be their descendants that worship them. Hence more babies = more worship.

63 posts

How do you explain not liking the cross though? That is just my biggest wtf thought when I talk to Mormons

From what I have been told the cross focuses more on the bad part and the suffering and not the good part of what jesus has done, albeit it is a powerful reminder it really doesnt show the whole story. By not having the cross as a symbol we can look upon all of his works easier and not just center ourselves around his pain or his last days. Now I'm not saying that those were not important.

It has been a good 5 or 6 years since I've asked people about the cross and why we dont use it so i dont remember if there was more or not. So anybody else feel free to expound on this if they can.

They believe that once they are given their own world to rule it will be their descendants that worship them. Hence more babies = more worship.

Not taking this as an insult but is this not what God has done with Earth in other religions? We are after all children of God.
2,837 posts

We are all not children of God. Most of this world are children of darkness and there is no Godliness to be found in them.

80 posts

We are all not children of God. Most of this world are children of darkness and there is no Godliness to be found in them

hmm, let me ponder, all of us are a child of god, it doesnt mean that we all have god like qualities, it just means that we are all the children of god

From what I have been told the cross focuses more on the bad part and the suffering and not the good part of what jesus has done, albeit it is a powerful reminder it really doesnt show the whole story. By not having the cross as a symbol we can look upon all of his works easier and not just center ourselves around his pain or his last days. Now I'm not saying that those were not important.

Id also like to point out that jesus died on the cross, BUT what he did for us was in the garden of Gethsemany (sorry bout my spelling if its wrong), if we really want to focus on what he did for us, why dont we have a necklace or whatever that has him praying on a fallen tree or just a fallen tree?
80 posts

but he bled so much in the garden, he didnt need to die on the cross, he offered up his spirit

80 posts

he bled from every pore, Kirby, it sounds like you need to read mattew, luke and john again, the atonment was how he did it, not dying

2,837 posts

hmm, let me ponder, all of us are a child of god, it doesnt mean that we all have god like qualities, it just means that we are all the children of god


1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

Id also like to point out that jesus died on the cross, BUT what he did for us was in the garden of Gethsemany (sorry bout my spelling if its wrong), if we really want to focus on what he did for us, why dont we have a necklace or whatever that has him praying on a fallen tree or just a fallen tree?

but he bled so much in the garden, he didnt need to die on the cross, he offered up his spirit

he bled from every pore, Kirby, it sounds like you need to read mattew, luke and john again, the atonment was how he did it, not dying

How did they sacrifice lambs??? Was it enough for them to just bleed a lot? No. There had to be a death for atonement to come. Death was everything. I suggest YOU learn what sacrifice is. Kirby is right, it is you that need to do some reading on how sins were atoned for.
80 posts

shut up man

1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother

Dude, the children of the devil are demons, cant you compute anything
4,871 posts

Haha wow read LSD like twenty times...anyway drug aside. I'm sorry to all Mormons but your original story is just to um weak. Golden tablets only seen by about 5 people? Heaven in Missouri? Remember

18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
80 posts

wheres that from

4,871 posts

Revelations 22

8,570 posts

Haha wow read LSD like twenty times...anyway drug aside. I'm sorry to all Mormons but your original story is just to um weak. Golden tablets only seen by about 5 people? Heaven in Missouri? Remember
18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

You know what? That's actually really ironic. Because one of the plagues sent by God is said to be locusts, right? Well, all Utahns know the story about how the California gull came to be our state bird(despite the fact that California has quite obviously already laid claim to it); that massive swarms of, *gasp* locusts kept eating the Mormon pioneers' crops and they were dying of starvation and weren't making any money; in other words, the locusts were making life suck. But then, like a blessing from *gasp* God, the seagulls came and ate all the locusts, saving the Mormons' butts.
A pretty interesting story, if I do say so myself. =D
8,570 posts

In other words, seagulls thwart the will of God.

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