Hey, this topic is just for LDS members, so we can discuss things and topics. If you are not LDS and you want to talk, please join, but if you insult us, you will be kicked and reported.
While I am not Mormon, I will defend anyone and any religion from foolish arguments, for nothing if not to promote actual, good arguments themselves, which are getting harder and harder to come by.
well, I can say this, Joseph smith had a grade 2 education, how could he read hebrew
And where did you get the idea that the Plates were written in Hebrew?
thank you Moabarmorgamer, this topic is for anyone
The Prophet Joseph Smith was visited by the Angel Moroni, who told him where to find golden holy plates, which contained wisdom sent by God. But Smith was told by Moroni that he was not to show these plates to anyone. So Smith went and read the plates and gave the wisdom he found from them to the people.
So, the whole religion is based off the idea of one guy...in a time of village idiots and easy persuasion im sure i could convince people i was jesus. All i would need is a lighter
well, the nephite, the people who started the gold plates, were from jerusalem, they were in hebrew, and joseph smith was finally shot by a mob when he died, it wasnt fair and they didnt get charged with killing
So, the whole religion is based off the idea of one guy...in a time of village idiots and easy persuasion im sure i could convince people i was jesus. All i would need is a lighter
No, the whole religion isn't based on the word of one guy. I'm afraid I underexplained. There was also the Testimony of the Three Witnesses and of the Eight Witnesses, which you would know if you had so much as opened a Book of Mormon before.
I don't really understand why there is such a misconception about mormons, it's just another branch off of christianity. Maybe a little more strict, but who cares?
Kelvinism is probably the most strict for of christianity, but people think mormons are evil, we're not, but people have to have something to complain about
On a non related note, I went to Sal Lake City this Summer. I went on a tour of the Moron temple, It was pretty neat, but people were staring at me weirdly, probably cause I went in looking like one of the dudes from SLC punk
On a non related note, I went to Sal Lake City this Summer. I went on a tour of the Moron temple, It was pretty neat, but people were staring at me weirdly, probably cause I went in looking like one of the dudes from SLC punk
Salt Lake City, Mormon. Not Sal Lake City and Moron. Lol, it's fine. Yeah, people would look at you that way if you dressed like that. Most of them dress up in suits and dresses(only the girls wear dresses, obviously lol), but yeah, I've been to the Temple a few times. It's very pretty to look at during the night. I've also seen the statue of Brigham Young a few times.
Weeven, you have read and believe the actual Bible itself do you not? It states that Hell is a place of unquenchable flame that no one wants to go to, and unlike the common belief that Satan rules over hell, he does not. Satan and his demons will be cast into hell eventually. His demons before he, as they are cast in at the end of the tribulation and he is cast in after the new millineum. (forgive my spelling) Note the last part was taken from my prespective as a Reformed Baptist (5 point Calvinist, and a "re-pre" meaning I believe we are before the tribulation and before the new millineum, hence they are both yet to come.) Read Revelation and you will see that he does not rule hell but shall be cast in to be tortured himself for his rebellion against God in the end. So please look into your belief on hell, the mormon point of view, and enlighten me if you dont mind. Thank you. That invitation goes to anyone not just Weeven.
Look, I know about the millenium, and I was never taught about hell, I know its there, but personally, I dont really need to know about hell, I am not going there, with all my ability, I will not, oh funny thing about Revelations, read Chapter 9 verses 4 through 12, if you compute it properly, it sounds like a F-15 fighter jet!