Yes i know not a new movie it came out in 1999 but its always interesting to see what people think. Now if youve seen or have read Fight Club dont look at this and see it as a "Do you agree wiht Tyler Durdens beleifs" kind of thing no. This movie is considered a clut classic and the only book turned into a move that i absolutly love. SO what are your opinions on Fight Club
It is the most awesome book and movie ever. I have probably seen the movie about 7 times and it never gets old. It also has a lot of interesting philosophys in it.
yeah it didnt have all the things from the book word for word but thats not a surprise if it did all movies like that would be 5 hours long but it was close enough that it stayed relavent and close to the books story. The acting was awesom the storyline was original and had a point.
Man I've seen that movie once(unfortunately) but the effects and the whole storyline is awesome. Especially the way Tyler plans EVERYTHING out. I also learned that you can make explosives out of soap!
the lord of the rings movies were awesome but i never read the books so yeah. Yeah the book and mvoie were banned in China because it taught you how ot make explosives out of soap and orange juice and crap
If by "this" you mean "Fight Club" you can just go shoot yourself. And if by "this you mean "this thread" you can go shoot yourself, because this thread is about Fight Club.
Yeah and what about the new DVD thing. There is some non-Fight Club menu for the first couple of seconds, it was like a romantic movie's menu! It was the director's joke.