here is where u can discuss the cronicles of vladimir tod and other vampire books. but no twilight. is that how u spell it? oh well. now.... where was i? oh yeah. like in the cronicles of vladimir tod they have the elysian code. i could post it but. not right now.ok. POST! plz
Vladimir Tod was much better than Twilight. Twilight was just a stupid love story about an average teenage girl who likes to talk about her controlling vampire boyfriend, whereas Vladimir Tod was about a half-human half-vampire teenager who is trying to go through life without exposing his powers to humans, and not getting caught by the Vampire Council.
[b]Almost every vampire book I read has had WAAY to much romance and/or action. Vladimer Tod on the other hand has just enough of both...and the righter really spread it all out. Vladimer Tod is NOT a romance novle or an action novle,Its simpley a teenage boy who has to keep his secrets away from most of his faimly and the other vampires.