Im here to discute our newest desease, the flew(H1N1), and it vaccine. My opinion its not to take because its a normal flew, the only thing different is that it has killed some people, mostly old people. I mean, isnt better to get the flew then our boy gets strong to fight the desease ?I mean here in Portugal, they are alredy injecting people with the vaccines, wath i think is an error. Coment Please.
I don't see what's wrong with Darwinism. Is it not a truthful way of thinking? It seems reasonable, in all respect.
Social Darwinism* (the idea that some people in society are better off because they deserve to be, and those that suffer do so because for one reason or another it is their fault and they do not deserve help)
It's not reasonable, because the healthy Child A is very unlikely to die of H1N1, and the autistic Child B is slightly likely to die of H1N1 and is very likely to have a much worse case of H1N1 if/when Child B is infected.
It's not reasonable, because the healthy Child A is very unlikely to die of H1N1, and the autistic Child B is slightly likely to die of H1N1 and is very likely to have a much worse case of H1N1 if/when Child B is infected.
Let's throw away the topic of h1n1, and replace it with a new strain of cancer. This strain is both highly contagious, as well as highly deadly. the chances of survival are slim, no matter whom you are.