ForumsWEPRCold hearted? Or reasonable?

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2,128 posts

Are humans too sympathetic towards the disabled? Or is it a just reason?

Take the h1n1 vaccine for example. In my community, it was first delivered to children with disabilities/elders. This is wrong in my opinion, and this is where my "cold heartedness" factor comes in. Thinking towards the future, who really deserves the vaccine? An extremely autistic person whom will most likely never amount to much, or a smart child, who may one day become a successful billionaire. Let's say that Child "A", a regular child, has not been vaccinated and receives h1n1. He later dies. At that same time, Child "B", a severely autistic kid whom has received the vaccine, is alive and well. Child "B" goes on with his life, sitting in his home day after day, until he dies of old age. Does that same fair? To me, it seems like a waste of life. I would rather have a living, healthy child than a living, autistic child; would you not say it's more beneficial?

The same example could be aimed towards elder. They have reached the final years of their lives most likely, so what does a few years slashed of make? Their healthy is deteriorating as is.

:/ This was longer than expected...

  • 27 Replies
2,128 posts

Ok. Example was an example. Let's swap the "swine flu" Part with something else. Let's say everyone has a new strain of cancer, which is highly contagious. The chances of survival are slim, no matter who you are.

996 posts

Ok. Example was an example. Let's swap the "swine flu" Part with something else. Let's say everyone has a new strain of cancer, which is highly contagious. The chances of survival are slim, no matter who you are.

since survival of cancer almost never depends on current physical state, that's a completely different situation.
576 posts

I call hitler an evil person, but everyone has their purposes.

*cough* everyone calls me mini-hitler, now a days... lol.


Before i continue, can i say that the vaccine is killing people? This vaccine isn't the greatest. Some people are being crippled for life for example, and the gov says that they were already infected, and crap. It is killing some, but not all. I think that it has something to do with your blood. The cure doesn't help certain blood types, and kills others.

And about the special ed. kids and stuff. Just so you know, most people are like racist to them at my school (Yay for friggin Georgia idiots, i'm californian, but now i live in Georgia) but i'm decently sympthetic. But, they should not receive anything first, i think. I mean, really. Sorta like a line you know. Whoever gets there first...
5,552 posts

Whoever gets there first...

This would just cause panic and fights and riots over who didn't get the vaccine. We have the system of people who get it first for a reason.
2,128 posts

Actually, give me one piece of solid evidence that autistic kids have weaker immune systems/are more prone to disease. I certainly couldn't find anything.

8,570 posts

Actually, give me one piece of solid evidence that autistic kids have weaker immune systems/are more prone to disease. I certainly couldn't find anything.

I'm not saying autistic kids are more prone to disease. You are speaking of children with any kind of disability that makes them practically useless to society, correct?
I believe that there are several kinds of thought or physical paralytic diseases and disorders that weakens your immune system.
Oh, and I have just one more thing to add to the controversy of this thread:
Picture this scene.
There was a child. When he was eight years old, they were administered the H1N1 vaccine, which prevented them from getting the virus and saved their life(the vaccine that this child was given would have been given to a child with muscular dystrophy, but he was snubbed due to his disability, got the virus, and died). Three years later, the healthy child given the vaccine was in an accident while on his way to school, and he had severe head trauma which severely limited his thinking abilities such that he had only a kidnergarten capacity. So, a healthy child given the vaccine over a non-healthy one, later became useless to society just like the child snubbed.
Let's discuss that, shall we?
77 posts

The elderly and disabled have a bigger chance of getting the disease so they should get vaccinated first

618 posts

Mine was about disabled kids cause they can't exercise and so they get worse if there lungs are infected by the flu. Also, the autistic kids have government support so they go to the hospital even if they got a haircut! So it's good to keep them healthy and out of the hospitals! How's that?

1,287 posts

Are humans too sympathetic towards the disabled? Or is it a just reason?
Take the h1n1 vaccine for example. In my community, it was first delivered to children with disabilities/elders. This is wrong in my opinion, and this is where my "cold heartedness" factor comes in. Thinking towards the future, who really deserves the vaccine? An extremely autistic person whom will most likely never amount to much, or a smart child, who may one day become a successful billionaire. Let's say that Child "A", a regular child, has not been vaccinated and receives h1n1. He later dies. At that same time, Child "B", a severely autistic kid whom has received the vaccine, is alive and well. Child "B" goes on with his life, sitting in his home day after day, until he dies of old age. Does that same fair? To me, it seems like a waste of life. I would rather have a living, healthy child than a living, autistic child; would you not say it's more beneficial?

1) Humans aren't reasonable.
2) Are humans too sympathetic towards the disabled? Depends. For the seriously mentally disabled yes, for the girl in the robot chair thing who has the mental capacity of a 3 year old, her father should be able to decide to end her life...

The elderly should be preferred over the teenager because they are more likely to die. And the way that effectiveness of Health Canada is measured by the public is by the # of deaths.
996 posts

autistics aren't more likely to get the virus.

they are, however, much more likely to die from the virus or have a much higher form of the virus.

also, there is a very very VERY low chance that a child A will be harmed by the virus.

527 posts

i agree entirely with Google

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