ForumsWEPRAfraid of death

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Well yesterday in my city a teenager was shot in the head, it was an accident but with only 7,000 residents in my town this hit fairly hard. Well what I mean by that is took our imaginations to the limit, everyone keeps repeating RIP *name* to be kind of honest I'm getting annoyed by it. I've never been much of a mourner I cry about happy things not death. Death to me is just another doorway, many of you know I'm a Christian but even if I'm wrong I always remember "to the great mind death is just the next adventure." So maybe I'm being a little bias but it almost seems like people are worried about them selfs and don't even care about him, or that somehow if you care enough he'l go to a better place. But whatever what are your thoughts on this, broad or general anythings welcome.

  • 27 Replies
527 posts

im afraid of dieing for something that isnt worth dieing for, if i die, i wanna do it for a cause haha

1,720 posts

I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to die early on in my life.

3,896 posts

I do not fear death at all. I fear what is like living a death while living. Such as being tormented by demons. But death its self? No. It's not a mach I'm not afraid of anything kind of thing I just do not fear it.

3,137 posts

i would be afraid of death if i knew i would die in a very very painful way

60 posts

Your 100% right Samy, I'm never going to have a funeral, I'm going to have a going away party.

1,532 posts

But, if theres no afterlife, what is there?? I mean, it cant just be nothing, right? Unless, our minds cant comprehend the idea of being nor thinking, of just death and eternal nothingness?

There has to be something.

996 posts

Your 100% right Samy, I'm never going to have a funeral, I'm going to have a going away party.

ironically, the people with thoughts like that have the most emotional funerals.
There has to be something.

let's not turn this into a religion discussion.

as i said before, i don't fear death because i know that i will live on with my closest friends and relatives. it's not that it's inevitable or that this is life to live, it's that I won't be forgotten.

I wasn't really intending to put this here, but it's an important story

Last summer, one afternoon-night, I was sitting on my friend's porch. His house is on a corner, facing away from the park that's a half-block away. At the corner across the park, a good friend of mine was hanging out with about a dozen of his fellow gang members. At one point in time, a brown astrovan went driving towards the park. We watched it go by, heard yelling from the area the gang + van were, heard three gun shots go off pretty quickly (within maybe a second and a half). We jumped off the porch and looked over to see the van stopped, the door open, a teenager laying on the ground and a large amount of people including the other gang members running away, along with a guy standing outside the van trying to fix his jammed semi-automatic pistol.

Within the hour, my friend was dead. It made me react more than I thought I would. I had had friends die from gang violence before, but I'd never seen it. I had never been so close physically to the death or emotionally to the person. I'd known him since I was 6. He was one of my first friends in the child/preteen summer camp we went to together for nearly 10 years.

A few days after his death, a cop pulled me over and talked to me like I was a shitstain because I added candles to his ofrenda. He even insulted my friend, talked about "at least the scum get what comes to them". The presence of my friend in my thoughts kept me from attacking a policeman in the center of a murder scene midst investigation.

It's because of the things like this, the personal realization that people are never forgotten, that made me more accepting of death other than "It happens. It sucks. Can't do shit about it."
1,751 posts

Unless, our minds cant comprehend the idea of being nor thinking, of just death and eternal nothingness?

I thinck it's that.

I had had friends die from gang violence before, but I'd never seen it.

How mucj people die from gang violence in your country each year. It looks like quite an often phenonema the way you talk about it.
698 posts

No reason to fear death for me.
" live is Christ, and to die is gain..."
-Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God

To those who are saying, "I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die," you just contradicted yourself, even if you added "young" to the end of your sentence

928 posts

Who can be afraid of death, Im only afraid of time...

996 posts

How mucj people die from gang violence in your country each year. It looks like quite an often phenonema the way you talk about it.

According to the numbers, which are unreliable and incredibly hard to find, 15000 a year.

I do, however, not live in the greatest neighborhood and I know lots of people in gangs or somewhat associated with gangs, so naturally, as life went on I began knowing lots of people who died from gang violence.
It happens to gang members. Unfortunately, most of them could've done shit in their lives.
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