Unreasonable Faith has done a story this last week about the Indianapolis public school system adpoting a policy that prohibits the viewing of atheist websites, along with some other alternative spiritualities (one should note, that apparently it's okay to view websites on major religious doctrine). Currently the FFRF is fighting the issue and urging people to voice their concerns.
Voice your thoughts - particularly if you're a person of faith. Do you think it's okay for religious discrimination like this to occur in public schools?
don't know how to craft a sentence properly, much like you.
i choose not to use correct grammar. difference.
/last 6 pages of the thread
lol, we've pretty much been going over grammar for a week.
On a separate note - the FFRF have also issued a letter to the superintendent.
it's about time i saw what i needed to see.
they quote on there Supreme Court decisions which protect religion under any circumstances necessary. Previously, I had no knowledge of Supreme Court decisions regarding the banning of non-Christian media (which is why I was undecided on the matter). The last two quoted decisions were useless, but the first one was good enough.
also, they read the document the same way you did because they're super-pro-religion. i was simply attempting to form a medium in the discussion.
why, because i don't feel like using correct grammmar on the internet? ohhh noooo.
No, because you fought nail & tooth to insist your gross interpretation of the document was correct, when you knew it was not, on something that was fact based and not opinion based. It's disingenuous, dishonest, and it speaks much of your character.
*facepalm* back on topic! Everyone picks on atheism(ists) and I(MU)sla(I)m(s), unless they're an Atheist or Muslim, and then they still sometimes pick on each-other.... Heck, I pick on every side. And i'mma hipocrit. ONe minute I can disprove (IN my mind and in those of those whom aren't sure or don't believe it) And the next I'm making comments about how stupid Atheists are. Don't pay any attention to me... Or do, whatever. Nobody i gonna get along until ONE religion is instigated for the entire world! (good luck with that, suckah....) It's good, not right, and true. Life happens. Life sucks. Life ends.