Well my parents, about as technologically aware as dirt, both got their laptops infected with a virus that is off of Facebook. Both now can barely surf the web and are pretty much f'ked up. The virus, somehow getting past their Norman Security software pretty much has taken over.
They got it from a link that one of my mom's friends sent to her. A link to a video that is "Hilarious". The link lead to a download which my mom downloaded, giving her the virus. And then, automatically, the virus sent this link to all of my mom's Facebook friends, including my dad which is how he got it. Also, my grandmother had to get her work computer fixed by her IT department.
This entire time I simply laughed at how stupid my parents can be, and how stupid the older generation using computers can be, and how Facebook is the bane of all exsistance.
Has anyone else gotten this or knows people who recently had this?
That's not that surprising Nortons hasn't be a decent antivirus in years...wait Norman?
Yes Norman not Norton. Norton blows, Norman however works great on my computer. I guess this virus must be new and cannot recognize it. And now the virus won't even let Norman update.
We arnt even IN 2010 yet. I hate norton even more now. They try to punt it with every pc from PC World and it DOES slow your pc down. I would bring into question the specs of your pc and its ability to handle the suckage of norton, cos on a bog standard system it rape's the pc's resources. Maybe the 2010 version has sorted lots out, but I cant forgive nortons past mistakes to humankind *gives norton an evil glare*
Iv never heard of norman tho, might check it oot. You will prolly need to save all the info you can and wipe the smeg outta the harddrive. Good luck...
Facebook is dumb. A running commentary on your life just makes it so that stalkers can find out more about you. There is no purpose to have a facebook or myspace, if you really want to talk someone call them on a cell phone, even 7 year olds have them now a days. Waste of time people, the virus is karma (Not serious, but is comical) P.S. Macs are way overpriced and the only thing they can do really is play music and not get a virus, other than that, they just are plain bad.
There is no purpose to have a facebook or myspace, if you really want to talk someone call them on a cell phone, even 7 year olds have them now a days
Not everyone has a Myspace or Facebook to talk to random people, I only use mine to talk to people I dont get to see very often or keep in touch with my friends, and I'm pretty sure alot of other people do it for that reason too