Jonas brothers suck worse than shit so i love Metallica
Like, the jo bros all teh wai! They are soooo aweshum!
uhm well...seems kind of dumb because no one relly likes the joe bros.So you know everyone is going to vote metallica.And I do vote metallica.
Is this even comparaple?Two different genres.Not a fair battle but I vote for Metallica.Seems like this just another thread to cap on JoBros.
I've never heard Metallica, but no music is better than the Jonas Brothers.
Dude, stop trolling. Everyone knows they rule, you don't need to tell'em that.
Jonas Bros lick mad pouch.
How can you even compare the awesomeness that is Metallica to the fail that is the jonas brothers.
Wow I can't believe someone even made this thread. Metallica
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