Don't say it's gay or Harry Potter is better. Okay? I love them both. I recently saw New Moon and it is one of my favorite movies. Much better than Twilight. Who here agrees with me?
I see the comercials for New Moon and hear about it from people and I start to fear the wrong people won the Cold War. Oh well, I can't wait to see what replaces it, from what I hear the twilight books aren't exactly "War and Peace" or "Dracula". Now, Twilight v. Blade, I would be willing to watch that for two hours, not that it would last that long.
Oh come on, I understand that the demographic of AG is all guys. But compared to most "chick flicks" you cannot go wrong with one involving werewolves and vampires! I think this movie was much better than the first (expect the random scenes that the camera spun around in circles making some of us nautious...) The first movie moved very slowly and took a long time to develop the cast of characters; this movie we were able to jump right into the action. I will say as well that I thought this book out of the four was the most drama-y and boring so I think they did very good with the material they were given. I do assure you that the next ones will get better...especially the final book!
If anyone can go wrong with a movie involving werewolves and vampires then they would have been hired on the spot to write twilight. Can't wait until the commercials stop airing.
its the worst movie ever. its about an emo girl who gets dumped by here boyfriend and sulks the whole time. theres no plot development, no action scenes, just shitty acting and pointless romance.
Well it wasn't the worst movie ever. I will never see the first Twilight movie.
Vampires and werewolves can never be cool any more.
No thats not true.... Ok fine it is. Now I can't watch vampire movie or werewolve movies for awhile. Oh well mabye watching something else will cheer me up. Yea I know Dogma!