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5,579 posts

I just came to an odd conclusion.

Money isn't there to keep things regulated, is it? It's there to give people an incentive to work, right?

Say a builder starts to build a house. He gets paid for this, and thus he can use this money to buy food, etc.

In a world without money, the builder does not want to build the house, but can just go and pick up food. However, seeing as there is no one to build the market, or grow the food for anyone but themselves, the builder has to grow his own food. However, this means he also has to build everything himself, and so does everyone else. However, not everyone is capable of accomplishing this, and their friends are busy with their own problems. These people die off eventually.

I'm probably just stating the obvious, and am just slow, but I thought I'd say that.


  • 34 Replies
3,817 posts

Money is there so we don't have to trade... "Ill give you two pigs an hour if you work for me" doesen't work...

1,751 posts

Money has a set value.

Example: the dollar fellnot so long ago.

Seeing as every bit of food has less value to you, because, well, you aren't really in need of it, are you?

note: this goes for paper also.
1,573 posts

Money is there so we don't have to trade... "Ill give you two pigs an hour if you work for me" doesen't work...

Agreed, I dont wanna give you my piggy anyway. But aside from this...

I think we can all agree that perhaps the current system is not really feeding the world or keeping it safe, and yet is over producing food and clothing etc. So rich people only get richer. This is commonly agreed yes? regardless of our views on the need for money.

Perhaps we need to change the way we do things, sadly most ppl have visions of chaos and the world going down the pan whenever this is mentioned.

How about you all be a bit more idealistic and talk to your fellow humans about a better world... maybe like the one in avatar, tho Iv still not seen it, but im told its to die for.
12 posts

In 1992 Ukraine hadn't it's own currency and people used to buy everything for coupons that were given to workers. There were no money! For 2 years! But nobody was glad to live such way

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