I think they're a bit of both, honestly. I personally don't find them funny. Honestly, I don't see how people doing stupid things that get them killed is funny. Maybe people doing stupid things, but come on. How can you guys seriously laugh at someone dying? How is that funny, no matter how they died? It's just not right. I can see how other people might laugh at them, and that's fine, that's why these are funny, because they make other people laugh. But yeah. A total disrespect to families. I mean...how would you feel if your brother got drunk and did something stupid, and died for it, then people laughed at him? You see the angle I'm coming from?"
Well if they have an STD or AIDS or are retarded I agree completely.
Alpha, just because someone has sex(and then acquired an STD; AIDS is an STD, you know that, right?), does not mean they're irresponsible or deserved to die. And retarded people? Multiply that by twenty. Dude, that's not cool. Mentally ill people can't help how they are. They don't deserve to die, just because of their condition.
Moat, if my kid did something so utterly stupid he got a Darwin Award, I would die from both grief and extreme laughter. Mostly the laughter part.
In the idea of jest: I think I would die five times; once for shame, once for laughter, once for grief, once for following in my child's footsteps, and once because Jesus is only supposed to come back a few times, and I've already had my second, third, and fourth comings. Heehee.