I found this article in the paper. I blogged about it here. and now I want to know what the AGverse thinks... basically, about 25 middle schoolers in Chicago were arrested in thrown in jail for a food fight...
1) it's not a crime, it's a misdemeanor. jobs don't even ask if you've committed a misdemeanor. 2) it doesn't matter because by the time they're of working age it'll be stricken from their record (i believe you did have that in there, but it's still a major point) -- it's simply a slap on the wrist arrest.
also, if it's so bad that school security guards can't control them, they need something strict to get them to pay respect to authority. I'm not saying they have to bend over for cops, but you have to respect law enforcement (especially here in Chicago. the cops who aren't crooks are complete assholes who will be looking for every excuse to throw you in jail if you don't show respect). think of the long term effect of the students not obeying the security guards.
simply, they need disciplinary action for not listening to high authority.
Holy crap I better stop my ways D:.I start a food fight almost every day......but still get away .But I will get caught once atleast.But thats just stupid,there middle schoolars they are going to be michoesness.
1) it's not a crime, it's a misdemeanor. jobs don't even ask if you've committed a misdemeanor. 2) it doesn't matter because by the time they're of working age it'll be stricken from their record (i believe you did have that in there, but it's still a major point) -- it's simply a slap on the wrist arrest.
also, if it's so bad that school security guards can't control them, they need something strict to get them to pay respect to authority. I'm not saying they have to bend over for cops, but you have to respect law enforcement (especially here in Chicago. the cops who aren't crooks are complete ******** who will be looking for every excuse to throw you in jail if you don't show respect). think of the long term effect of the students not obeying the security guards.
simply, they need disciplinary action for not listening to high authority.
So you don't think that throwing middle school kids in jail with crooks, rapists, murderers, and other evil is excessive? especially for a damn food fight? besides, it's not like the one cop has a bullhorn or anything, he probably called for back up even before trying to resolve the situation!
So you don't think that throwing middle school kids in jail with crooks, rapists, murderers, and other evil is excessive? especially for a **** food fight? besides, it's not like the one cop has a bullhorn or anything, he probably called for back up even before trying to resolve the situation!
when you go to jail, you aren't thrown into one big cell full of rapists and murderers. you're thrown into one cell with the people you're with, with a stranger if not with someone (sometimes). also, their parents would (obviously by their reaction) be down there bailing them out as soon as they got there.
it was an "in-school officer". in the city of Chicago, when a grammar school needs something like an "in school officer", they get a security guard: one who is trained to try to deal with the situation as much as possible without calling police-- which is what security guards do. They're an attempt not to have to alert authorities before absolutely necessary.
so, no, the security guard ("in-school officer" would have tried to stop it before he called it in.
Ok, a big foo fight is just a fucking riot i say throw them in jail. I mean why is this is bad thing? Its 25 kids not respecting athourity, they are throwing food at each other in a place learning they have no right to do this. If they needed tto bring cops to stop these kids then you go to jail. I just cant beleive people are mad at that they got sent to jail. I mean jail doesnt mean shit. The only thing that happens in jail is that you dont get to leave. People dont seem to know that jail isnt prison. Im not even going to make sure i spelled stuff right because this is so stupid.
This all seems rather excessive to me. A more appropriate punishment would be having to clean up the cafeteria and an x number of days detention.
As for the argument of learning to respect authority, how does this teach them respect? Such a punishment would more likely respect leave them with contempt for such authority.
I can't believe how you in the big cities have security on your school grounds. Us rural hicks just laugh at you for not being able to control your children.
Actually, food fights have always been somewhat crimes. If you hit someone hard enough, it's assault. That's how messed up society is. And, if you're not careful, they could pull the race card on top of that assault charge.
Like Snakebite said, if you hit someone hard enough, or with malicious intent, it can be a crime.
If it was just a regular school food fight, it was a bit over the top. But if it's in a high crime neighborhood, and people were getting serious about the fight, I have no problem with putting them in jail.