
23 4203
712 posts

Saying "meep" in certain school systems and colleges was banned and will result in suspension... What kind of sick joke is this?!? Why would you ban "meep" instead of curses and vulgar words!!! Next thing you know they will ban "the"! Does anyone have a problem with this?!?

  • 23 Replies
938 posts

Kasic, I live one town over from Danvers, and all my friends from there are really pissed off at the school system lol
The reason they banned the term, "Meep" was because the students would say it loudly and sometimes repeatedly, interrupting the instructor of the class and slowing things down.
I think it's ridiculous. I think they should have just said to stop disrupting the class with meep, before they took action. They gave no warning, other than a few kids going to the principal's office. I think it's ridiculous, the kids are just trying to have a laugh in a good mannered G-rated fashion. I think the adults should be wild happy.

3,675 posts

It is nothing do to with the word itself.

It is all about the intent of the word. Which was distraction and interruption.

Granted they could of given a warning other than going straight to "Lol, baibai." Maybe they did for all we know. Yet the schools have the ability and right to do such things if they feel that it can disrupt the learning environment.

Also, one comment on the article said that the kids made a Facebook page about it and were are planning on doing it just for the disruption value. So it was planned to be obnoxious. In which case the instant suspensions could be justified.

938 posts

too shay. I didn't know they made a facebook page for it, now I realize what's happening.

712 posts

Alright, I understand this much better now. Thanks for the info guys. You were a great help. Now the second someone is watching a remake of RoadRunner and Cyote, and Road Runner says "Meep Meep" people will complain to every known society on the planet to have it banned, lol... Stupid kids do stupid things I guess...

1,573 posts

I don't think they should start banning disruptive words, but I do think that they should start giving punishments for being disruptive. Am I making any sense?

This makes the most sense out of any comment.

Yet the schools have the ability and right to do such things if they feel that it can disrupt the learning environment.

I dont think schools should have any right to ban words in this way. But there does need to be a system to minimise dispruption by pupils, so they are correct in placing something to do this. I just think they went about it in the wrong way as its been tried and tested that what they did could, in fact, cause more disruption.
1,207 posts

I don't think they should start banning disruptive words, but I do think that they should start giving punishments for being disruptive. Am I making any sense?[quote]This makes the most sense out of any comment.

I agree.

You could be equally disruptive in a lecture or class by shouting out 'chicken' or 'lant'. Combatting disruptions by banning one word is simply idiotic, because a student will just create a new word and use that to cause a disruption. Instead of banning a single word, just make disruptions of any form a penal offence, and if it is already subject to being a punishable offence, raise the punishments.

At least, that's how I think of it.

thats really weird. is that even a real word? haha

Yes, it is quite weird.

I believe the word 'meep' was created in the animated series 'Roadrunner'. It was about a small bird that was extremely speedy and dexterous whom was always chased by a coyote--quite ironically called, Coyote--who'd come up with cunning tricks to catch Roadrunner.

Somehow Roadrunner would always avoid the tricks in some comical way, and would say 'Meep, meep!', to basically take the mickey out of Coyote's failed plans.
1,573 posts

Somehow Roadrunner would always avoid the tricks in some comical way, and would say 'Meep, meep!', to basically take the mickey out of Coyote's failed plans.

Perhaps the kids are taking the piss out of the schools failed "acme student auto brain tuner" or something... j/k
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