ForumsWEPRGenesis 1:28

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Genesis 1:
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The King James Bible does not say fill the earth as most more recent English versions of the Bible do, but replenish. Some people have taken this to mean that before the world was void and without form there was something else. After all the Earth was even if it did not have light to illuminate it, sky to insulate it, land, or animals, but was just voidless water.

Genesis 1:
2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

We know very little about the fall of Satan and the great war which was fought between satan and his 1/3 of the angels and God and His loyal ones could easily have destroyed the entire Earth. If the Earth needed to be replenished that does imply that there was something there before. When satan first appears in the bible using a snake as his pawn (and yes it was a snake he didn't just change his appearance, remember it was the snake that was cursed) he was already quite evil. In Job (believed to be the first Biblical book ever written) he destroys everything that the man owns (I wish he would have killed that blasphemous wife as well). So if satan who was the most beautiful and powerful of angels could make war upon even the heavens why would it not too descend to the Earth?

Thoughts, comments?

  • 5 Replies
13 posts

Just destroying the Earth isnt enough, he wanted to corrupt God's most preciuos creations, bringing out the sinful nature of humanity and striking a blow that plain old war couldnt

5,552 posts

if satan who was the most beautiful and powerful of angels could make war upon even the heavens why would it not too descend to the Earth?

Pretty much all I got out of that is that you think there was some war in the heavens and satan somehow stood up to a supposedly all powerful being. So, in other words, either god is not all powerful or satan is as strong as god, if not stronger because if you believe in christianity, there are many, many more acts of satan than god.
2,837 posts

You forget the part where Jehovah wins. satan is comparable to Michael and Gabriel, and if you are Catholic also Raphael and Uriel (Uriel is found in Jewish tradition within the book of Enoch and is not officially recognized by all especially because some witches have evoked him in spells). One site I found even had an additional 3 that I have never heard of in my life even when talking to Catholics about the archangels. With Protestants acknowledging only 2 and Catholics only 3-4 I have no clue where these other three come from.

satan has little power in this world, and only that which people give over to him. He can do nothing without permission (see Job). He is described as a worm trying to appear as a roaring lion. He will spend eternity in torment in the hell that was made specifically for him and his angels.

2,837 posts

I found this by just scrolling down. The other 3 are mainly believed in by the Orthodox faith.

-Selaphiel (also Salathiel, Selaphiel or Sealtiel), another archangel whose name comes from 2 Esdras.
-Jegudiel (also Judiel), his name's origin is rather obscure; there is an Archangel named Jeremiel mentioned in 2 Esdras, which may be Judiel but many believe he is Uriel in another name.
-Barachiel; name comes from 3 Enoch, where he is one of four ruling Seraphim and has 496000 myriads of Angels ministering to him. Barachiel is said to be the chief of the Guardian Angels.

5,552 posts

I just want to get something clear. You're talking about some angelic war that happend who knows how long ago, and then history didn't even start till 3000b.c (written findings) So, you put your faith in a book that is a random collaboration of peoples testaments when you know that people lie and spread rumors, and about somebody that claims to be god. Most of which books were writted 200 years or so after his death, so how could they even have first person accounts when the average life span wasn't even 40 years old? Just wondering how you can believe all of this.

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