dudeguy, what are you best at?(gathering information, editing and writing articles, web programming, etc.) For now, people can choose from those three, but eventually we need some more people in the administrations unit.
dudeguy, I can also start you out as a writer/fact gatherer, if you want to do that.
FOR THE MILLIONTH (technically second) TIME AG, I AM NOT DUDEGUY! But I'm best at writing. Btw, there hasn't been much activity on the wiki. We should get more people involved.
I don't have the time to read through all 26 pages of this thread but from what I gather, the wiki page got revived?
I'll check back on this after my exams. A couple of general notes:
While the discussing users thing is technically frowned upon, I think the bigger difficulty would have been trying to discuss the history of AG in an orderly fashion on a forum thread. However, the wiki is perfect for this, and it's also off-site so you can talk about whomever you want (as long as you're not making slanderous or defamatory comments or posting personal identifying details without permission, because that would be illegal.)
We will lock the thread if it ever turns into a discussion about user-voted "top ten" users. Somebody mentioned the huge wave of polls (because that's the nature of fads, you know)- that was one major reason we got so tired of them. They're not reflective of any value because there are no real tools here to perform any kind of poll with rigour. Also, once it turns into that, there's generally no turning back and the thread's future has been erased.
OK Strop, thank you for sharing and telling us our guidelines. The only thing I have to say to you is: 1. We created a new wiki because the last one was not approached in a way that was organized, and well, frankly, we think it is messy. 2. When I created this thread, I set out with the intention not to say anything offensive or degrading of others, whilst still trying to create an accurate depiction of AG's history.
And to everyone else reading, by the time we have gotten the history written down, we will only have to occasionally upload articles, unless new information is found. I think that once the actual history up until now is recorded, people can upload current events as frequent as they desire.
Yes, you would know a lot about the history of AG.
I thought TSL3 was the head facts gatherer? If he says so, we can change it around. Talk to TSL3 and see what he thinks, then come back to me so I can make the plans official.
If I'm not on the forums later, I probably have a lot of homework, so just email or PM me on the wiki if it is important, when the weekend comes I'll be ready to get some work done on the wiki.
Alright whimsyboy, just lemme know if you need anything. I can't give exact dates to everything but I've got a pretty good grip on the order of major stuff happening since late March 2008. Before then I hung around GoG somewhat since, hmmm...2005? Found it via Newgrounds actually, which I've been following since 2002.