Hope it works.
Welllll that was quite random
Yay for dieing stick men :PBut it looks like there's blood coming out of the gun... ?
Pivot is awesome i have a whole youtube account just for them but im not going to post it here
is there a specific point to this thread? if you are just showing your work, say so, dont jus post it. also, posibly ask for opinions?
Shouldn't this be in Art?Anyway the graphics you drew are okay, but pivot is not a good animation software.
I actually started a Pivot discussion in Art about a month ago:[url=http://armorgames.com/community/thread/4708816/pivot-and-animation ]
*sorry (alwyas mess up w the url BB)[url]http://armorgames.com/community/thread/4708816/pivot-and-animation [/url]
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