ForumsGame WalkthroughsShadowreign Talent Analysis

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Ugh, I spent a good amount of time writing this up, and then accidentally clicked on a link to lose it all. Here goes again >_<. I originally wrote out detailed information about the skills and what they do, but since I've wasted so much time already I'm going to shorten it a bit.

I usually play any hack & slash I come across excessively; Shadowreign is no exception. I've played a Gladiator/Assassin hybrid, Warder/Gladiator hybrid, and Arcane/Gladiator hybrid through the entire game, and up to level 50 with relative ease. I thought I'd share my opinions on each of the talents the different trees have to offer. These are only my opinions, however, and if anyone has a different opinion or has had a better experience with a particular talent feel free to express your opinions here.

~ The Trinity ~

There are three traits I look for in a skill. They are as follows:

Constant Damage - Since skills don't interrupt auto-attacks I always want to be using some sort of skill at all times while I'm in combat.

Crowd Control (CC) - Having great control over your enemies gives you great control over what they can, and can't do to you.

Survivability - If you don't have at least some sort of defense or means of healing yourself you might as well jump in the boiling pot; you're going to wind up shadow soup anyway.

~ Gladiator ~
This tree has some of the best defensive talents in it as well as arguably the best survival/offensive skill in the game.

Type - Survival
This skill helps by reducing the damage you take. Even if you're playing as a Warder or Arcanist the extra armor can come in handy in sticky situations.

Type - Offensive CC
Bash offers a 2 sec stun on your target when you use it. This might not seem like much, but it can come in handy through the early-mid game if you're playing melee. Even late game it does well as part of a rotation.

Fire Fists
Type - Offensive Buff
When I first looked at this ability I passed it over without a second look. However I tested it with just Lightbringer equipped on my lv 50 Gladiator and it added 25 damage on to the 100 damage hits I did without it. The buff also lasts for a considerable 60 sec. It's certainly something to consider.

Type - Survival
Comparable to Fortify recover actually increases your HP regen. For melee it's nearly indispensable.

Warrior's Spirit
Type - Stat Boost
Some people might like the Spirit talents, but I don't. There's only one Spirit skill worth its weight, and it's not in this tree. You get plenty of +stats from your gear.

Paralyzing Swing
Type - Offensive Passive CC
A great choice for melee CC. When maxed it adds a 10% chance to stun your target for 2 sec with all melee attacks.

Terrifying Shout
Type - Offensive Debuff
I've never used this skill, but I suppose it can be useful. When maxed it gives you an additional 20% damage to your target. You have to be within melee range to cast it on them, though, so it'd be less effective for a Warder or Arcanist. I could see real potential for this against bosses.

Titan Swing
Type - Offensive Spammable
The Gladiators Spammable skill. This skill appears comparable to the Assassin's Shadow Strike. If you intend on playing melee I suggest grabbing one or the other depending on which suits your build the most.

Type Offensive Passive
Aftermath has great potential. I personally like it, but I often wonder how much damage it really gives me. It works great when coupled with an AoE, but against single targets later in the game if you use the shadowslayer set it is often reapplied before 3 seconds have past and it's had time to deal damage.

Type - Offensive AoE
The Gladiator's AoE ability. Alone it's nothing to write home about, but it does well as part of a skill rotation or coupled with talents like Aftermath.

Life Steal
Type - Survival
At first glance some would think this an awesome ability. Remember, though, that even when it's maxed out you're only getting 3 health per 100 damage you deal. That isn't much, but it does show promise if you can figure out a way to deal lots of AoE damage.

Battle Aura
Type - Survival Offensive
Nothing really needs to be said about this skill. The +20% auto-atk spd alone makes it worth the point; the rest is just icing. I did a comparison of Battle Aura coupled with Stalker's Spirit vs Stalker's Spirit alone for +dps. With Battle Aura it only took 20 points in Stalker's Spirit to give more dps than 30 points in it without Battle Aura.

~ Assassin ~
Honestly the worst tree in the game. Most of the skills are useless, but there are a few diamonds in the rough.

Killing Spree
Type - Offensive Passive
I like this one. It really shines in the early-mid game areas. Its usefulness does diminish the farther you get in the game though. You may want to respec the points elsewhere later, but keep in mind that it takes 37.5 agi to get 15% crit normally (19 points in Spirit of the Grove where this is only 2 points).

Type - Survival Passive
An acceptable skill. I would only consider getting it if you're melee though.

Dead Eye
Type - Offensive Passive
Not worth the points. I included it in some of my earlier builds, but quickly realized it was simply unnecessary. Killing Spree is all the crit from talents you need.

Shadow Strike
Type - Offensive Spammable
As mentioned earlier this skill is analogous to Titan Swing. Pick the one best suited for your melee build.

Stalker's Spirit
Type - Offensive Passive
This is the only Spirit worth excess points. As stated before you get plenty of +stats from gear. Stalker's Spirit gives more damage per point than the other Spirits do. Additionally it works for all damage types not just one. Regardless of build I suggest all of your remaining points go here.

Type - Offensive
The highest base damage skill in the game. Its one drawback is you need to be behind the target so you have to stun your target to make this work. I consider all of the Assassin stuns worthless. That said this skill can be amazing when combined with Bash and/or Paralyzing Swing.

Type - Survival Offensive
Worthless. Sure the thought of sneaking around is great, but it's completely worthless in this game. You can't use it in combat (understandable), and the skills that rely on it simply aren't good enough.

Type - Offensive CC
Remember how I said the skills that rely on Stealth are worthless? This skill is a prime example. Sure it can stun for 15 sec, but guess what? Attacks cancel the stun. It's effectively a glorified Dazzle that takes 2 more talent points to do what Dazzle does, and can only be done while stealthed. A much better way to have done this skill would have been to make it uninterruptable, but make it so it ranked +2, +4 +6 or even +2, +3, +4 sec stun durration.

Soul Link
Type - Survival Passive Buff
An effective skill if you have high regen. My Gladiator/Assassin makes good use of this skill. As long as he keeps fighting he can outheal the damage of 5 enemies.

Blade Flurry
Type - Offensive Buff
I can not express the awesome that is Blade Flurry. When used effectively it is extremely deadly. Its only drawback is its 60sec cool down. My Gladiator/Assassin can demolish the 3 normal enemy waves from the final gate in a matter of seconds with this active.

Type - Offensive Passive
If you like Backstab you'll love Malice. Backstab is already the highest base damage skill, and when it crits it hurts. Malice makes sure it hurts.

Blink Strike
Type - Offensive CC
I am unimpressed. It doesn't say it, but this skill requires stealth. Since it requires stealth you'll only get it off at the start of combat. To me that's just not good enough for a T4 skill. If it didn't require stealth this skill would actually be decent. As it is, though, it makes it the worst T4 skill in any tree.

~ Warder ~
The warder is by far my favorite tree. It has what I consider the best CC, and the best AoE in the game.

Hunter's Pursuit
Type - Survival
This skill is basically a waste of points. If you absolutely must move faster then by all means go for it. If you want to make the most of your points then leave this skill to the roadrunners.

Sylvan Touch
Type - Survival
I've honestly never had the need for healing spells, and I don't even use potions (except for some fights early in the game). If you feel the need for a healing spell I suppose it couldn't hurt to try it.

Steady Shot
Type - Offensive
I tried this out a couple of times, and I don't care for it too much. I would rather spend my downtime between heavy-hitting skills casting Scorpion Bite on all my enemies. If you're comfortable with it try it out, but personally I wouldn't use it.

Nature's Grasp
Type - CC
This is by far the best CC in the game for Warders and Arcanists. You can keep it up constantly on several enemies, and it makes even bosses move slower than you do. Against single enemies you're practically immortal with this skill.

Spirit of the Grove
Type - Stat Boost
Another worthless Spirit. I often find myself putting points in it though just to get to higher tier abilities. The Warder tree has many great skills, but most of them are 1-point wonders so you need somewhere to put your points to reach them.

Stalker's Fury
Type - Offensive Buff
This skill is hit-and-miss. It provides 10% crit for 12 sec when maxed with a 30 sec cool down. As said before KIlling Spree is really the only talent based crit you need, but I find myself grabbing this for the same reason I put points in Spirit of the Grove.

Type - Survival
Not that great of a skill. It would have potential if you ever got swarmed, and needed to flee quickly. That shouldn't happen unless, of course, you're doing it wrong.

Scorpion Bite
Type - Offensive Semi-Spammable
I say Semi-Spammable, because you don't really want to spam it seeing as it deals its damage over time. However, it is easily spammable across an entire group of enemies. I use this as my spammable Warder skill.

Nature's Recovery
Type - Survival
As I already mentioned I don't ever find myself needing any sort of healing so I can only judge this skill on my experience. As with any other healing ability get it if you feel you're lacking healing. Otherwise save your points for more valuable talents.

Blessing of the Wind
Type - Survival Offensive Buff
It's only 1 point, and the bonus movement and energy regen can make your life a little easier. Not sure how beneficial the faster cast is though unless you hybrid Arcane. The only Warder ability with a cast time that has no cool down is Steady Shot.

Explosive Shot
Type - Offensive AoE
By far the best AoE in the game. It's ranged. Not really anything else to say about it beyond that. Use it often, and use it well.

Shadow Shot
Type - Survival Offensive
One of two 'ulling' abilities. If you're going Warder you'll want this skill. It's invaluable when fighting gate enemies.

~ Arcane ~
I was pleasantly surprised by the power in this tree. It did far better than I had expected.

Type - Offensive Spammable
This is the Arcanist's spammable ability. Although half of its damage is a dot, I'd rather spend my time recasting it non-stop for an impressive amount of damage. Against groups you can cycle-cast it to allow some of its dot to take effect.

Focused Mind
Type - Survival
With all those burning corpses you might wonder where all the energy comes from to do that kind of damage. Well, you found it. This gives a nice energy regen bonus.

Type - CC
Although it's in the Arcane tree this skill is more suited to a Gladiator or Assassin. A far better CC skill for an Arcanist is Nature's Grasp. Nature's Grasp, however, has diminished effectiveness when you have to get in an enemies face to deal damage to it. That's why I suggest this if you need a little breather.

Type - Utility
The only talent I list as utility. It really has no purpose in combat (seeing as it can't even be used in combat). Again, this skill is well suited for the impatient, but anyone wanting to maximize their potential should save their points.

Wizard's Spirit
Type - Stat Boost
As with the Gladiator and Warder Spirits this one is worthless.

Type - Survival
Another healing spell. Take it or leave it. I left it.

Type - Survival
Can get you out of hazardous situations, but I found no use for it.

Energy Nova
Type - Offensive AoE
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but as far as I know a Mage in melee is worm food. Although I strongly advise the wiser Arcanists to shy away from this skill a dimwitted Gladiator might actually find use for this in his arsenal. I wouldn't know, though, since I've never tried it with a melee build.

Mind Race
Type - Offensive Passive
Yes please. Faster cast makes a faster pile of ash. This skill might only shave off a little bit, but it adds up over time. If you make an Arcanist/Warder hybrid I'd couple this with Blessing of the Wind.

Malicious Intent
Type - Offensive Passive Buff
Malicious indeed. This skill is great. An incredible 30% bonus to your damage after you crit for 5 sec. If you do the math on that you'll soon realize that this is a near-permanent +30% damage by the end of the game.

Siphon Energy
Type - Offensive Survival
I actually found this useful when grinding to level 50. After awhile I'd start losing energy, but when I cast this I'd instantly get 150+ back.

Arcane Pulse
Type - Survival Offensive
The other 'ulling' skill. As with Shadow Shot it is invaluable when up against gates. Use it to your advantage.

That pretty much sums up my take on all of the talents in the game. Additionally I'd like to point out that for a Warder or maybe even an Arcanist the Shadowslayer set may not be your best choice of gear. The benefit of the Shadowslayer set is its well-rounded stats, and generous +HP stat. As ranged classes you hardly need that extra HP, and as a Warder the only stat that's of real value to you at that point in the game is agi. Finding the best +agi gear out there can add significant power to your arrows. As for Arcanists it'd probably be safer to split between foc and agi gear since they still need some crit.

As an additional note if I made any spelling errors, or left anything out I apologize in advance. It's 5:30 AM at the time of me writing this, and I'm kind of tired.

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I neglected to mention that I would only put 1 point in Siphon Energy. Any more is excessive, and a waste of points.

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