ForumsGame WalkthroughsSixty Seconds to Live Walkthrough

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16 posts

Ok, as many of you may know, very recently a new game came out called "Sixty Seconds To Live". I thought someone should start a thread that discussed walk-throughs and strategys that help people finish the game and maybe even get a high score. Here is my personal walk-through, and if you read it and see something I misses, please tell me here. Remember, this is my way to get the most points possible.


1. Open the Letter.

2. Click on the letter to open it.

3. Click on the letter and sorta drag it sideways (from left to right) to read it.

4. Click and drag the letter upwards as fast as you can.

5. Quickly click on the light on the celling and the cell bars. Do not click the lock yet.

6. Quickly unpin the pictures of Maria by clicking on the thumbtacks and holding the mouse there. (keep the mouse clicked) It doesn't matter in what order you do them in.

7. Open the cell door my clicking on the lock and then clicking and holding the mouse over the pin as it moves in a semi-circle inside the lock.

8. Click and pull the cell door over to the left to enter the hallway.

9. Take half of a second (seriously) to click on the back wall and the security camera. Then click on the office door.

10. Once you enter the office, click on the side wall, the can, and the table.

11. Drag the wallet from under the desk and open it.

12. Then click on the picture of Maria, (stalker) and the two cards. Close the wallet and go back into the room.

13. Click on the television set and click on the rewind button. (<&lt Then click the fast-forward button (>&gt to see different parts of the tape. Go through each part for a few seconds, so you get the points.

14. After that, exit to the office and click the window. Be sure to go fast enough, or else you won't be able to appreciate the view, which loses you 500 points.


1. Go as fast as you can without losing points.
2. When you click on an object, don't wait you the guy to stop talking in order to move on. What he says is almost always meaningless and is never worth listening to if you are behind.
3. Be fast and click the window as soon as your done, if you don't give yourself about a five second space to stare outside the window, you won't get the "Appreciate the View" bonus, which is 500 points. If you don't get this, for sure you won't have a high score.

My final high score using the following method was 2950. Is it possible to get a better score? Also, this is the first walk-though I've ever done. How did I do?

  • 32 Replies
13,701 posts

aye it is, but i never beaten the game but i ended with about 3k once.

3,660 posts

Why are you guys posting your scores? The point is to show how to get those points..

16 posts

Yes that is the point, but I was also interested in what most people got when they played the game. Seeing that nobody here got close to my score, I think it's pretty interesting.

677 posts

Seeing that nobody here got close to my score, I think it's pretty interesting.
Unless you typo-ed, it seems like you did not win. 2950 is extremely low. I believe the max score is 10,000. (DragonYugi has the best score thus far, but I do believe that the walk through sections should not be the place to post them).

I have beaten the game as well (I got less than 100 away from what I believe the max score it), and I am quite sure that you only need to click on both pics of Maria for the points but you only need one pin. But hey, if you had time to get both--more power to yah! I also looked behind me, before exiting the cell and clicked the table, bed, and security camera. I believe that game me more points.

1,106 posts

I got 9523, there is a Bedroom behind the Cell you are in, tons of Bonus Points there.

You are missing to press the Bottle on the Desk, you will get 500 Points from it, and then 5000 Points when you see through the Window, because then you Solve the Mystery, and the Man you are playing will say who's the Murder. Check it Out.

16 posts

Sorry about the confusion, I actually got 9520 using my method. I just typed it wrong. Also, can someone explain how to look at the bed and stuff in the cell?

3,660 posts

Sorry about the confusion, I actually got 9520 using my method. I just typed it wrong. Also, can someone explain how to look at the bed and stuff in the cell?

You just look behind.. Press on the bottom or something..
1,106 posts

Sorry about the confusion, I actually got 9520 using my method. I just typed it wrong. Also, can someone explain how to look at the bed and stuff in the cell?

Press on the bottom...
677 posts

It might be slightly more helpful to say that when you are in the cell before you open the bars, just press the bottom of the screen (like when you leave the pics of Maria/ the tv) and you will then see the bed behind you.

16 posts

Yeah, I looked for a while and was able to find it. I was also experimenting and I wanted to ask this:

Does finishing with more time give you extra points? And does clicking things in a certain order give you more points?

1,106 posts

Finishing with more time won't give you any points. I tried to finish the game with 30 Seconds of life, looked at the Window, and I instantly died, so the short answer is No...

Well, anyway, I haven't done any experimenting, trying to click things in an Order for more points, but I completed the game around 10 Times, to make the Max Score (10.000 it is I think) and every time I play I click things in Random Order, so that could be also a No...

16 posts

That's weird. Then that means that unless there were hidden objects to click on, the high score can't be 10,000 points, can it? Has anyone even gotten the max score yet?

16 posts

I've done a lot of experimenting lately, but I still get a much higher score than 9,300. Where did you hear that the high score was 10,000?

677 posts

You could be completely correct, I just made an assumption. Since people were getting scores from 2000-9000+ it would make logical sense to max at 10,000. I did not state it was fact, and here you have proven me wrong! You must be correct!

16 posts

Ok, that's understandable. What I want to know now is why the designer is the game didn't give out more information about the game. There is a basic walkthrough he put in through Armor Games, but it doesn't tell you more than you need to know to complete the game. Just following that walkthrough would give you more than about 8,500 (estimate). The game is not mentioned on Deeperbeige's profile, (creator of the game) nor does the game feature on any major review sites that I go to. It just doesn't seem like there is a lot of reference to this game.

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